XXVII) Second Base

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"Surprised to see 'em this far out," Noctis comments, eyeing the imperial base.

"Leave no plot of land unconquered," Prompto sighs. I huff.

"That does seem to be their metaphor. It's like they can't help but grab for every freaking speck of dirt they lay their eyes on."

"Those aren't conquering numbers," Gladio shakes his head. I yelp in surprise as my chocobo leaps into the air, surprised by the bite his chocobo gives him. "Sorry."

"You really need to get him under control," I grumble.

"This is likely a supply line it would behoove us to cut," Ignis adds.

"Looks the same as before," Prompto points out.

"Looks can be deceiving," Ignis counters. Noctis laughs.

"Yeah, don't you remember high school, Prompto? Back when you liked Rayne?"

"Hey!" Prompto protests as Gladio bursts out laughing. I smile to myself, shaking my head.

"That was a miserable three months," I sigh. "And you thought you were being subtle when you followed me home with your camera."

"That's not creepy," Gladio chuckles.

"He said he got lost," Noctis cackles, grinning at his blushing friend.

"C'mon guys, knock it off," he whines. I laugh, giving Noctis a pointed look.

"Leave him alone before he dies of embarrassment," I admonish playfully. "We need him- for now."

"We beat 'em once," Gladio reminds us, turning the conversation back to the imperials. "They won't make it easy this time."

"And neither will we," Noctis replies, his eyes darkening into something unreadable. Prompto shakes his head, riding on the other side of Gladio.

"Iris isn't exactly a 'bring 'em on' backstreet brawler, is she?"

"She's tough, but I'd feel better if we got this over with and got back on the road," Gladio admits. He sighs, giving in and glancing toward me. "She does have Signum with her."

"I'm surprised he got shot by the imperials," Prompto shakes his head. I force a laugh.

"Yeah, me too. Hard to believe he'd be able to try to argue with someone with a gun."

We turn left into a gap in the gate around the facility. I cling onto my chocobo as it rears up, flapping its wings wildly. "End of the line?" I ask, looking up to see Noct's bird refusing to enter as well. He nods, sliding off Vinnie's saddle and heading down the paved road. There's not much around us- not yet, anyway. Just a plain black road with rails and a few concrete-paved areas surrounded with loose fences. I hop off my chocobo's back, giving it a good pat on the neck. Turning around, I pause upon seeing Gladio watching me.


"Nothing," he replies, shaking his head and following Noct.

We easily avoid the first sentries as they stroll down the road, but the next are a little harder. We press ourselves up against the wall as a magitek armor stomps by. Two guards remain in the grass just around the corner. Noctis takes them out with silent warp-strikes before we continue around the side of the cement fortress. I make an effort to keep the grass silent under my boots, something else learned from Tallin. Just because he was a bad academics teacher doesn't mean he didn't teach me anything applicable. The whole reason he was "bad" was because he only taught me things that were applicable to my life's duty.

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