XLVII) Grelea Gone Godawful

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~Eight years before~

"I'm gonna drown in homework tonight," I mutter under my breath, adjusting the heavy stack of papers on my arms uncomfortably. Huffing, I try to reach forward and clutch the doorknob right in front of me. I can't quite get to it around my books, giving in irritably. Stepping back, I gingerly raise one foot, carefully leaning forward to press the handle down...

Suddenly, the door flies open, knocking me flat on my back with a grunt of surprise and sending my papers and books all over the empty library. I blink up at the ceiling for a moment, trying to calm my spinning head. A face quickly obscures my view, a hand lifting sharply to lift a pair of fallen glasses.

"I'm terribly sorry, Rayne. I should've been more careful." A skinny arm reaches down, offering to pull me up. I take it, getting to my feet and looking down at the mess around me.

"It's fine, I guess. Just took me by surprise."

"Let me help," Ignis rushes, crouching down abruptly and lifting a crumpled page. "What's all this for?"

"My homework," I huff, kneeling and lifting my physics textbook into my arms. "Tallin's picking up the pace—wants me 'graduated' by the end of this year."

"At sixteen?" he asks, glancing over at me before looking down at another paper. "This algebra looks hardly difficult."

"That's what you think," I grumble, shaking my head. "That's the, what, fifth time I'm attempting that assignment? I dunno. Math's not really my thing."

"What would be your thing then?" he replies wryly, brushing his long, sandy brown hair out of his eyes. I give him a slight smile, shrugging.

"I'm pretty good at language arts, literature, that sort of thing." Upon seeing his quirked eyebrow, I shake my head. "I mean, I'm not that into reading or writing, and I don't enjoy it. I just get it." There's a pause in our conversation as we both reach for the final page, looking up at each other sharply. Ignis lets go quickly, clearing his throat and adjusting his glasses. I accept the stack of papers he collected and jam them into my math book. I'll sort it out later. Standing, I adjust the tower of work in my arms and give him a grateful nod. "Well, thanks for..."

"I could help you," he blurts, cutting me off. He looks up quickly before his forest green eyes flit away to the bookshelves. "I mean... Noctis is busy tonight and you said you don't understand that math assignment..." His young voice trails off. I raise an eyebrow, tilting my head to the side.

"Uh, alright. When'd you wanna help? I've got training in twenty minutes but..." I shrug, point made. He nods, standing and brushing his hands off on his pants instinctually.

"Of course. Meet here at four then?"

"Sure," I smile, jumping when I hear a laugh behind me. Gladiolus strolls past, appearing from behind a bookshelf with a pair of novels in hand.

"Iggy got himself a study date," he teases, stepping out of the library and heading down the hall. Ignis huffs, pushing his glasses up a final time before turning his back to me and heading behind a bookshelf. I glance at his bright red ears one last time before shaking my head and heading out the door. Was that because of Gladiolus or...?

Hours later, I throw my clothes on as fast as I can, slinging my full backpack over my shoulder and racing down the halls of the king's palace. I'm late, I'm late, I'm late. I skid to a stop at the library door, pushing the door open gingerly only to see the tables at the back of the room empty. Very few people show up here on weekdays, but I thought Ignis at least would be waiting. Shaking my head, I head back to the farthest table and set my bag on the floor, digging around and getting my stuff out. I watch the clock impatiently, tapping the end of my pencil on the wooden surface. This is Ignis... He didn't forget. No way. As if on cue, the apprentice advisor strides into the room, shaking his long bangs out of his eyes and dropping a paper bag in front of me.

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