XLIV) Crystal Clear

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"We're here for you," Noctis says over the bells of the train beside us.

"Yeah, let us help you," Prompto nods, crossing his arms. Looking over at the train, he grins. "And we're off!" He leads the way to the door.

"Are we clear?" Gladio asks, nudging Ignis into following.

"Crystal," Ignis mutters, carefully entering the train.

"Hey, watch your step," Noctis warns gently.

"You're not 'pushing onward'?" Gladio teases.

"Not at his expense," the prince replies, stepping in.

"Fair enough."

I close the door behind me firmly, one hand clutching my warm amulet and the other tucked in the pocket of my jacket. I'm so tired... Gladio seems to read my thoughts, stretching his arms over his head with a wide yawn.

"Time for bed?" I ask, crossing my arms. He nods, following Noctis and Prompto to our room. Ignis trails behind, though he doesn't appear to be ready to enter the room. He stands outside by the door, facing the expansive window and making no move to follow any further. I shrug it off, watching Noctis and Prompto climb to the top of the bunk bed together, sharing a hushed conversation that leaves the blonde laughing to himself. I motion to the bunk bed, turning to Gladio. "You want top?"

"Usually," he grins, pulling himself up onto the top bunk. I roll my eyes, shaking my head and pulling my jacket off. It winds up somewhere on the floor, alongside my deactivated arm. Laying down in the bed, I sigh, closing my eyes. This is far from the comfiest bed I've ever laid in, but it's much better than moist rock and an amazing improvement to having no bed at all.

Despite how exhausted I am, hours later I'm still awake, listening to the steady snores echoing through the small room. I'm just approaching the brink of restless sleep when I hear a slight shuffle trailing through the room. I keep myself calm, not willing to let Ignis know he's interrupted my train to Dreamtown. Heh. Train. It's all I can do not to jump when I feel a smooth hand brushing the hair out of my face, a lone finger remaining against my forehead. What's he...? Ignis presses a light kiss to my forehead, pulling away after a few seconds but keeping his hand still.

"I..." he whispers, his breath fanning over my face gently. He clears his throat softly. "Goodnight, Rayne." With that, he's gone, and the last sound I hear is him leaving the room once more. I frown, opening my eyes and staring up at the base of the top bunk. What was that?


"Feels good to ride the rails," Ignis observes. Noctis nods, glancing past me to the window.

"Sure does."

"Eager to drive once we're in Gralea?"

"I'm not looking forward to that part," I huff, slouching a bit more in my seat.

"If they'll let me," Noctis rolls his eyes, looking pointedly at me. I shrug, looking outside to see the passing rock formations.

"We're fortunate to have the Regalia at all. We owe the first secretary our thanks."

"She'd give us more thanks if she didn't charge so much," I mutter.

"Those transceivers are top-notch," Ignis explains, lifting his glasses as a contemplative look takes over his face. "I recall when the Hydraean raged—in the midst of the empire's retreat, one conspicuous craft remained behind: the chancellor's." I can't control the shudder that rolls down my back at the thought of Ardyn following us closely all this time. He couldn't have been; I would've noticed. Right? "The last thing I remember was seeing was his ship, heading for the altar." Noctis nods, watching intently as Ignis faces the window. "I fell unconscious, and was powerless to stop him."

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