XIII) Imperial Stronghold

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~Five years before~

I press my lips together, stretching uneasily. I haven't really talked to Gladiolus ever, but I've seen him train. It's terrifying. But it doesn't matter; I've got to do this. I have to win. My father, he'll be even more disappointed in his only daughter if she turns out like her mother: strong, but not strong enough. I have to win. I summon my sword to my hand, looking over the smooth but sharp edges carefully. I also have the ability to use magic in this fight. It's only allowed because it's our family's privilege to be well acquainted with both magic and physical strength. We've been granted a small bit of the king's blood; I can't let that privilege go to waste.

"Are you ready, Rayne?" Arma asks, poking his head into the dressing room. "Relax, you're just sparring."

"I know, but..." I sigh, shaking my head. "You know Dad. He won't settle for second best."

"It's just a test to see if you're both keeping up on your training."

"It's a test to see whose child is better," I mutter. "They could've been more subtle about that. You guys are the same age; why can't you go at it?"

"Hearing," Arma raises an eyebrow. "I've gotta get better hearing aids before they'll even let me try. You might as well be the firstborn."

"Firstborn functional child," I laugh nervously.

"What a title," he shakes his head. "Let's go."

He guides me out of the room, pushing me down to the training room. The walls are lined with wooden weapons- weapons we won't be using. We have our own practice models today. I am, however, allowed to use low-level magic. And if there's anything I know about Gladiolus, it's that he's not too fond of magic. Maybe that'll be my advantage. Maybe Clarus'll throw a fit. I look across the room at my opponent, watching his massive muscles rippling underneath his tanned skin as he puts a black tank top on. I gulp. This is gonna be so bad. Arma squeezes my shoulder gently, a comforting touch followed by a confident nod.

"Just remember: this isn't even close to a fair fight, so play it dirty."

"Yeah, 'cuz I love being a losing cheater," I roll my eyes. He grins.

"Then don't lose."

"Nice try" I shove him away. My heart's beating out of my chest as he steps over the sidelines to stand beside my father. Iris Amicitia stands next to hers, looking between the two of us nervously. Gladiolus looks at me with a sly smile as we step closer to the center of the space.

"You ready?" he asks. "I've gotta be. You did a number on me last time."

"I wasn't trying to," I roll my eyes.

"Well, then I'm scared for when you do try."

I huff, stepping back as Clarus instructs, grabbing my gunblade out of thin air. And then it begins. We watch each other carefully, moving in slow, carefully placed steps. He's got a greatsword, he's not gonna move first, Rayne. Taking a deep breath, I sprint forward, feigning an attack. Instead, I simply slide past, diving underneath a swing that makes him lose his balance just the slightest bit. I ram forward into his back with my elbow, knocking him forward. He catches his balance before he can fall, backing up before I can take advantage of his weak spot. In this fight, my advantage is speed and wit. Unfortunately, his is strength and weight.

I refuse to touch my magic. I won't use that special ability just yet. Not until Gladio's worn down. I can't freeze him and then dive in blindly to attack. That just won't do. I watch his every move carefully, stepping back when he steps forward. "Let's get on with it," my father calls out. "We have jobs to do." Then you shouldn't have set this up.

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