XLV) Tenebrae Fever

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"Yeah," Gladio nods, following me to the nearest exit. By the time we climb down the stairs and step onto the smooth stone of the foreign station, Noctis is sitting on the slick steps leading up to the green, hunched over with his elbows pressed to his thighs.

I cross my arms tightly, shivering at the difference I feel in the air. It cooler here, sure. But the fact that this is where Wyn was born and raised... This where that perfect human being came from... I've been here before, when I was really young and when Noctis was sent here to recover. Signum was born here and this is the very ground on which my mother died. I guess Tenebrae held more for me than I thought. And if there's some sort of magic in the air that'll let Signum grow to be anything like Wyn... I'd praise the gods on my knees every morning. I'm broken from my thoughts as a familiar voice speaks up, though it's not unwelcome.

"Well, look who's here."

"Aranea," Noctis responds lightly, practically overjoyed to see another "friendly" face in the midst of our troubles. Then a wave of bitterness washes over his face and he turns his back to her, teeth grit tightly. "Guess we've got you to thank for this mess." I glance past him, sparing her a scowl before watching the smoke of Tenebrae rise up and dissipate in the wind. Just like that, a beautiful city once home to pure magic, royalty, and order is gone.

"More to it than meets the eye," Aranea shakes her head, resting her hand on her hip. "You wanna know who to thank? Come with me." With that, she turns on her heels and strides away. Noctis scoffs, laughing sarcastically.

"Can't wait to hear this."

He leads the way, the four of us catching up to the dragoon easily. Glancing back, the first thing she notices is Ignis's scars and his cane. Of course.

"What did you do to your eyes?" She frowns.

"Oh, uh... Just a flesh wound," Ignis replies, pushing his shades up just a tad further.

"Can you see?" Aranea demands more than asks; she's really pushing my buttons.

"I'm... afraid not."

"Wow, that sucks. It's a cruel world."

We head down a path made of white marble, decorated with ornate pillars and railings for the stairs and the platforms. Ignis takes his time on the stairs, and I'm glad Aranea at least has the patience to wait for him before continuing. I trace a finger over the sleek stone, shaking my head and jerking my hand away. Light and dark, just like we were meant to be. No, Rayne, stop. That's not why we're here. It was six months ago. Get over it. Aranea pauses, looking back over our group. I predict what she's going to ask next.

"Uh... Wasn't there one more of you guys?"

"Yeah... There was," Noctis replies quietly.

"We lost track of him," I sigh, crossing my arms tightly.

"Is he dead?" Way to be straightforward.

"I... I don't know," Noctis shakes his head. I can tell he really doesn't want to be discussing this, especially not with Aranea. Her face lifts sternly as she crosses her armored arms.

"Then quit mopin', keep hopin'. And in the meantime, handle what's at hand." She turns and briskly leads the way across a narrow bridge, from which I can see a long, thin waterfall. It casts a half-hearted rainbow across the mountains beside it, as if it too has given up on the beautiful aesthetic it was upheld to.

"So if it's not you we thank...?" Gladio asks, eyeing her carefully. Up ahead, I can see several parked imperial engines and I dread what's coming next. Despite how this woman treated us when Gladio was gone, she was under orders. Now, she could easily hand us over and be on her way with a pocketful of gil.

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