XX) Titan

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            When everyone else wakes up, we leave the caravan with Ardyn in it, dozing away. It's raining outside again, leaving the sky dark and overcast. I follow Noctis to the gas station to refuel the Regalia, leaning against the back of the black car. Gladio runs past behind us, slowing down with a grin on his face.

"Don't think being married will give you an excuse not to work out," he calls as he strolls over, shaking rain water out of his messy hair.

"That came out of nowhere," I comment, raising an eyebrow.

"You can't just let yourself go with the eyes of the world on you," he continues.

"Eh. I don't know about that. He seems to have pulled it off so far," Prompto shrugs, walking up with Ignis following.

"What does that mean?" Noctis frowns, turning to look at his friends.

"All the more reason he needs to clean up his act now," Ignis nods, crossing his arms and letting a taunting smile cross his face. I grin.

"I'd feel sorry for Lady Lunafreya if he doesn't," I add. Prompto laughs.

"She's got you there, Noct. Everyone would be like," he mocks citizens of Altissia, using a high pitched voice, "'Oh, she could do much better than him.'"

"'What does the Oracle need the prince for anyway?'" Gladio mocks, using the dumbest voice I've ever heard.

"Imagination run wild much?" Noctis scoffs, removing the pump from the car and paying for the gas.

"Nope," I shake my head. "One hundred percent true to real life."

"We'll see about that," Noctis mutters. Gladio elbows me.

"And why aren't you out running?"

"I'm sick," I scoff, rolling my eyes. The freezing rain isn't helping much.

"Not for long," Ignis cuts in, handing me both an antidote and a potion. "These should help. I've restocked on our curatives."

"May the Six bless you forever," I tease, bowing before accepting the two bottles and using the antidote immediately. I tuck the potion away for later. "So much better."

"Ready now?" Gladio pushes. I open my mouth to retort only to be interrupted by a smooth, cocky voice.

"Good morning to you all!" Ardyn comes up to stand between me and Prompto, smiling at Noctis. "I should warn you: we're about to pass the point of no return. I trust you're not having any second thoughts?" He rests his hands on his hips, cocking his head to the side.

"I'm ready to go," Noctis nods. Ardyn's smile broadens.

"Good. Shall we carry on then?"

We take the same seats as yesterday, following Ardyn's car down the road. Gladio's the first to speak up.

"Whoever thought of tapping into the Meteor's power was a genius."

"Can you even go near that thing?" Prompto asks, frowning.

"They harvest fragments found nearby- pieces that broke off when the Meteor fell. Almost fell, I should say, foe the Archaean caught it," Ignis explains, looking back at the three of us in the back seat. "Are you alright, Rayne?"

"Decent," I mumble, closing my eyes and falling against Gladio's shoulder. "I'm taking a nap."

"What happened to watching our backs?" Noctis teases.

"You've got three other numbskulls with you," I brush him off with a wave of my hand, yawning. "I stayed up all night watching your back."

"And the Archaean's still there, holding the Meteor up," Gladio finishes for Ignis.

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