XXIV: Ramuh

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"You think we can fit through there?" Gladio asks as we approach a rather slim crack in the wall. Noctis sighs.

"Gotta try."

"How deep can this possibly go?" I mutter, crossing my arms.

"As deep as it would like," Ignis replies. "Just as long as we find Ramuh." There's a strange gurgling sound as Noctis squeezes into the fissure.

"Noct!" Gladio grabs his arm, jerking him out just as imps crawl through, hissing and clawing. I swing my blade to the left, killing one just before it poisons me with its sharp rod. Prompto shoots another, scrambling away from the creepy little daemons immediately. "Seriously?" Gladio demands, crushing one beneath his sword.

"I hate these things," Noctis huffs, attacking the next that comes out. They start to flood out at an alarming rate, Prompto grabbing for his Auto Crossbow and trying to slow them down.

"I think Gladio might be poisoned!" he warns, watching the shield stumble around, his brows pinched together like he can't concentrate.

"Just great," I mutter, killing the imp that's stabbing at me before performing a back handspring, my fingers barely touching the ground before I turn back onto my feet. Faster than wading through goblins. I stab through the imp flapping around me, knocking the one that flies at my face to the floor and stomping on its head. "Here," I say, nudging Gladio and handing him an antidote from our supply.

"Thanks," he grumbles, crushing the curative in his palm before slaughtering two imps in one swing.

"That's it!" Noctis grits as yet another imp jabs at him. He teleports around the room in a series of blue flashes, using various swords of the kings we've visited to take them out one by one faster than the blink of an eye. He comes to a stop in front of Ignis, falling onto his hands and knees and gasping for air.

"Are you alright, Highness?" Ignis asks, raising an eyebrow.

"Yeah," Noctis nods, forcing himself to his feet. "Anyone else wanna go through first?"

"No thanks," Prompto declines immediately. "I'm good, really."

"Your job, Prince Charmless," Gladio says, pushing Noctis toward the fissure. "We got 'em all."

"You don't know that," the prince huffs. "There could still be one just waiting to eat me."

"Don't think they eat people," I dismiss, waving for him to move faster. "We don't have all day, Noct."

We all file through the crack and head forward through the even narrower passageway, only to stop when the ground begins to shake, a bloodcurdling scream echoing through the cave, followed by a demonic moan. The sound comes from a wide hole to our right, half filled with sharp rocks

"Wha... What was that sound?" Prompto stutters, grabbing my arm. There's another hissed groan, Prompto's fingers digging even further into my bicep.

"I don't know," I whisper back, prying his hand free and following the others further down into the tunnels. Prompto cries out behind me, and when I turn back, he's gone.


"What happened?" Ignis demands, following me back up.

"Hey!" Gladio shouts, hurrying up with Noctis. "You alright?!"

"Prompto just got grabbed by something," I shake my head.

"Over here!" Ignis calls.

We run down the path Ignis directs us toward, skidding to a stop when we come a large open room full of stalactites and stalagmites. Gladio storms into the room, standing beside me as he calls into the darkness.

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