LXI) Homebound

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Gladio slams the truck door shut, dropping down from the driver's side with ease. Prompto helps Ignis out of the vehicle. Noctis sets up a fire, merely eyeing my bare collarbone before setting the logs aflame. He can make a good guess as to what happened to my magic abilities. Silently, Gladio helps me set up the chairs, though I can tell his eyes are locked on the frame of the fallen city in the near distance. Noctis requested that we set up camp together one last time. Prompto and I nearly collapsed into a puddle of tears at his phrasing.

After the chairs are in place, Noctis sits in one carefully, his blue-gray eyes never once leaving the leaping flames of the fire. I sit between Gladio and Ignis with a clear view of Prompto and Noctis nearby. It feels like hours that we sit there in silence. Swallowing the lump of fear and grief in my throat, I react out toward Ignis's lap and take one of his hands in mine. He doesn't pull away, merely tightening the grip between us with a gentle, comforting squeeze. Finally, Noctis breaks the silence.

"The five of us around a campfire. How long's it been?"

"Hmm... an eternity," Ignis replies softly, leaning toward the fire but never once letting my hand go. There's another long pause as Prompto throws his head back against his seat, staring up at the stars.

"So, yeah." Noctis sighs. He stares long and hard at the fire, trying to piece his words together. "I, um..." Prompto leans forward with his elbows on his knees, fingers clasped tightly together.

"Out with it," Gladio demands gently, his eyes holding a softer gaze than I think I've ever seen them possess.

"I just..." Noctis huffs, looking up at us finally with his hands clenched into fists. "@#$%&*, the @#$% is this so hard?" Gritting his teeth, he forces himself to scan over every face. "So, I... I've made my peace. Still... Knowing this is it..." Prompto's chin trembles as his eyes meet Noct's. "And seeing you here, now..." Gladio stares down at his lap, arms rested across his thighs with a tension that matches nothing here. Noctis's voice cracks. "It's... more than I can take." A tear streams down his face and I have to tear my eyes away, swallowing the lump in my throat.

I made a mistake looking away. Prompto sniffles, brushing his wrist against his nose. Gladio wipes at his cheek where the slightest glint of a tear rolls free. Ignis refuses to look up, but his grip is only getting tighter. Prompto finally speaks up.

"Yeah. You're #$%^ right it is." He looks up toward his king. In the background, Gladio takes a deep breath, staring up at the sky.

"Huh. You spit it out," the king's shield says, his hands clasping the armrests of his chair helplessly like he's lost at sea and this is his only lifeline. Ignis straightens, sighing.

"It's good to hear."

"It's... Probably too much for me too, Noct," I choke out, despising the odd tone my voice takes on as I speak through a tightened throat. No one says anything for a long time. The crackle of the fire, the rough surface of the rock, the chill of the night wind... Gods, it's all so beautiful. It's guaranteed this is the last of these things Noctis will ever feel. I'm glad he's made his peace with his purpose but... that doesn't mean I have to. Not yet.

Ever since we were children, just two opposite ends of the spectrum that couldn't stand each other, I admired his bravery. He was a brat, to be sure, but a courageous one. I never once doubted his will, his leadership. I watched him grow up, watched this group I call my family assemble and fall in love with each other. Not in a romantic way, but in a way where I can lean on any of them when I need to, and one I would most definitely lay down my life for. The babbling sarcastic prince has grown up, ready to fulfill his purpose and my heart is breaking further with every passing second. It's time for all of us to grow up. After all, we might not be seeing tomorrow.

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