XII) The Next Sword

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~Twelve years before~

I look around the dining hall silently, copying my older brother's every move as he guards the room dutifully. Straightening my shoulders, I take a deep breath and try to focus. I watch as people file in, some recognizable, some not. Counselors and elders converse amongst themselves around the room quietly. Suddenly, they close their mouths, watching the young Prince Noctis enter the room with an obviously older boy at one side and Ignis Scientia at the other. The woman who wheeled him in pats Noctis's head; he waves her hand away. Arma scoffs, leaning down to whisper in my ear.

"See that kid? That's Gladiolus. He's gonna be the prince's shield. He's an Amicitia."

I've heard my father grumbling about the Amicitia family time to time, instilling a young hatred into his children early on. I personally don't see anything wrong with them. People have the wrong idea about our roles and both families can be quite pompous about it. "He's really buff for a kid your age."

"He takes his training a little too seriously," Arma scoffs. Nothing can be too serious when it comes to the future of the prince. Whatever happens to him determines to fate of the Lucii. I may be but a child, but I'm not as stupid and naïve as my brother thinks. Tallin's a good tutor for me, or so I've heard. He knows how to answer my questions and teach me things in ways that aren't considered "normal." He's explained all the "grown up" concepts to me two times over, and I still don't get why our families don't get along.

I watch as the guests sit down, King Regis looks around the room as he talks politics and the kingdom's future. Nothing too interesting, but I endure without much fidgeting. When the dinner ends, people file out slowly, each saying their goodbyes to the prince. Arma waits until the actual guests have left to guide me toward the wheelchair, bowing.

"Have a good night, Your Majesty."

"Yeah," I bow too, awkwardly. "Goodnight." I look up when I hear a chuckle, staring at the source of the sound with wide eyes. Why's he laughing at me?

"C'mon," Arma grumbles, placing a hand on my back and pushing me out of the room gently. "Don't ever talk to him. Dad'll be upset."

"Why was he laughing?" I demand, trying to look back. Arma's shoulder's in the way.

"Because he's a cocky SOB, that's why," he huffs. "And don't you forget it. He's gonna be just like his father, cheating his way through lots just to look tough."

"But Clarus is..."

"Shut up. I told you not to bother with them, and that's all you need to hear. Let's go home."

The other side of the hole looks the exact same, with faded brick walls and dim, flickering light bulbs. Noctis turns the left, something catching his eye. Dutifully, we follow, though I'm not entirely sure what he sees this way. He's our king, and he's the boss whether he's ruling a kingdom or exploring caves.

"Another dead end," I sigh as we face another rock wall.

"I could've sworn this was the right way," Prompto groans. Suddenly the lights shut off, leaving us in pitch black darkness. Prompto whimpers.

"The $%^&?" Gladio mutters to my right.

"Somebody... turn on a light!" Prompto begs. I sigh, reaching up to the flashlight attached to my hip and fiddling with it for a moment.

"Simmer down, now." Ignis beats me to it, a light shining gently through the tunnels. I hear a shuffle in the darkness, followed by a thousand little snickers. My light flicks on and I grab my gunblade, rushing forward toward the first small shape I see.

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