LV) Losing Grip

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"Man, that was good," Prompto groans, rolling onto his back. "I'm stuffed."

"It was... an impressive effort," Ignis replies, setting his empty dish to the side. I roll my eyes, pushing myself to my feet and collecting he and Prompto's dishes. I take them to the sink and work on washing them off.

"Yeah, thanks Iggy," I huff, setting a dripping bowl on the counter and moving on to my own plate. Gladio gets off the edge of the bed, reaching around me and setting his plate in the sink.

"I thought it was good," he shrugs, resting his hand on the base of my back. "Not Iggy good, but good. Food's food."

"No, really, thanks," I scoff, earning a chuckle. "It's just for now until Ignis figures this cooking thing out again. Take your problems up with him."

"There's not much I can do for you," Ignis replies wryly, turning slightly to face Gladio. "I suppose we've lost another costumer, Rayne."

"Are you blaming me again?" I snap playfully, shutting the water off and coming to stand by him to flick the water from hands on his head. "Maybe our business just sucks."

"I suppose that could be it as well," Ignis sighs, wiping at the beads of water splattered across his face.

"What's the bed situation?" Gladio asks, crossing his arms.

"You and Rayne wanna be together, right?" Prompto smirks, sitting up.

"It's not mandatory," I roll my eyes. "Maybe I wanna kick you all night from time to time, hm?"

"What do you think, Iggy?" Gladio turns to the advisor. Ignis waves his hand carelessly.

"It does not matter to me."

"I still say Rayne and Gladio," Prompto shrugs, grinning like a little schoolboy.

"I wouldn't mind that."

"Hey! Ignis! Gladio just touched her butt!"

"No, I..."

"I didn't see anything," Ignis replies dryly.

"Ignis," I groan, hitting Gladio's hand away with a half-hearted huff and combing my fingers through my drying hair. "That's awful."


"Alright, well, I want top bunk," Prompto announces, jumping to his feet.

"I suppose I'll keep an eye on him," Ignis sighs, standing and following the blonde carefully.

"Got a problem with me?" Gladio asks smugly, raising an eyebrow. I roll my eyes, turning to face him. I really wish I could cross my arms. Before I can reply, he turns on his heels, climbing into the bottom bunk. "Take it up with my manager when we're open."

"Turn off the lights, would you Rayne?" Prompto asks all too sweetly.

"#$%^ off," I grumble, stomping to the wall to turn the lights off. The room goes pitch black, lit only by the light of the moon and the steadily dimming lights of Hammerhead's gas station. They have to find more power sources soon if they want this place to survive the dark.

"Love ya!"

"Go to sleep, Prom."

I roll into the bottom bunk, swinging my legs under the blanket and sinking down onto the pillow. Almost immediately, I'm enveloped in warmth as Gladio takes over the rest of the space in the narrow bed, which includes any space between me and the base of the top bunk. Closing my eyes, I try to clear my mind and drift off into restless sleep.

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