XV) Exploring Lestallum

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"Morning sleepy head," Prompto greets brightly, smiling at me. I wince at the sunlight flowing in through the windows, blinking to clear my vision. I'm still way too tired to wake up, but there's no going back now.

"Time?" I request, sitting up and rubbing my eyes.

"Eight," Ignis answers quietly, eyeing the sleeping prince beside me. "Though Noct doesn't seem to bothered by it."

"I don't either," I yawn, falling back against the pillows. "Give 'im a break. We've finally found a real city again."

"Thought you'd wanna spend every waking minute with Sig, considering how worried you were," Gladio grumbles, stepping into our room with three mugs balanced in his hands. "Got your coffee, Iggy."

"Much appreciated," Ignis nods, accepting the white cup graciously. Prompto sits up straighter in his seat.

"What'd you get me?" he asks hopefully. Gladio shakes his head.

"Nothin'." Promto huffs, slumping back in his seat. He looks confused when Gladio shoves a steaming mug in his face. "Iris got you hot chocolate, though."

"Aw yeah!" Prompto whoops, taking a giant gulp before slamming the cup down on the table in front of him, his face twisted in pain. "Ouch! That's hot!"

"Hotter than Cindy?" I ask tiredly, sitting up once again.

"Oh yeah," Prompto nods quickly, grimacing. Then he frowns looking over at me in pretend shock. "Rayne! I didn't know you rolled that way!"

"Why else would Regis let 'er come?" Gladio responds, grinning as he sits on the edge of the other bed. "Obviously she'd be outta her mind with all of us around."

"Whatever," I scoff, rolling my eyes and swinging my legs out of bed. I glance back at Noctis, who's still out cold. "How's he sleeping through this?"

"He wasn't kidding when he said he was exhausted," Prompto shakes his head, taking another sip. "Aw man, now I can't taste anything!"

"Boo-hoo," I fire back. I reach up and gather my messy hair into what might pass as a ponytail before grabbing the hair tie on my other wrist and... "Are you freaking...?!" I give an irritated huff as the snapped band falls onto the bed beside me. Glaring at Gladio when he laughs, I drop my fist full of hair and stand abruptly. "Iggy, we're getting more hair ties today."

"You have snapped at least ten in the past few days," Ignis muses.

"Are you saying it's a waste of money?" I accuse, resting my hands on my hips as I scowl at him. "Because it's not. My hair is thick and long and it needs to go somewhere."

"I totally understand," Prompto speaks up, nodding eagerly. "I hate when my hair ties break."

"You're all dead to me," I mutter, flopping into an empty chair. Gladio rolls his eyes, looking down at his phone.

"Talcott wants to take us on a tour of the city," he says after a moment of silence, tucking his phone away into his back pocket.

"What about Noct?" Prompto asks, looking at our sleeping friend pointedly.

"Just leave 'im," I shrug, standing and twisting to stretch my sides. "I'm sure Iris'll take care of him." Gladio scowls at me irritably; I stick my tongue out; Ignis sighs.

"Very well then." He turns to me, pushing his glasses up. "Will Signum be joining us?"

"That, or he's still asleep," I shrug, following him out of the room after grabbing my jacket. I sling the sleeves around my waist, tying them in a tight knot as I skip down the stairs. Signum stands beside Talcott, the little boy from last night. He doesn't look too pleased. I grin, waving to the grumpy teen. "Morning, Sig." He rolls his deep blue eyes, tucking his hands into the pockets of his sweatshirt.

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