XXVIII) Party of Four

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~Four Months Before~

I pull my jacket tighter around my shoulders, digging my hands down into the deepest, lint-filled corners of its worn pockets. Wyn trails along to my left, holding his face to the wind with a slight smile. He wasn't lying- he must've been losing his mind in that cramped apartment. I can't imagine being stuck there day in and day out, trapped like a caged animal. I'd lose my mind.

The dark streets are illuminated by a combination of blinding street lights and the fluorescent signs of bars, restaurants, and clubs that line this part of Insomnia. Wyn lifts his steaming paper cup to his lips, taking a drink of his tea. After stopping by a coffee shop to get him a hot drink, we've taken to wandering the streets of the city, though I don't really know where we'll wind up. I'm not worried about getting lost. I was born and raised here. I live and breathe Insomnia, whether it be for King Regis or Wyn Iterum. We'll be alright.

We head further down a well-lit sidewalk, stepping around small clusters of people with the same idea as us. It's a nice night to witness the sights of the city that never dares to succumb to slumber. I hook my elbow around Wyn's, pulling him closer. It'd do no good to lose him now of all times. A little girl skips past, giggling as she dodges a poke from a young boy. Wyn smiles, watching them pass by before taking a deep breath of the cool spring air.

"After all of this is over and we're settled in Tenebrae," he muses quietly, as if he's sharing a secret that's only allowed to reach my ears. "Do you think we'll have children someday?"

"I dunno," I shrug, my heart sinking a bit lower. I'm not a huge fan of kids, to be honest. Never have been. Besides, the things giving birth can do to a woman's body... Someone would have to damage me beyond repair to keep off the battlefield before I would risk it. I'm not about to give up the only purpose I have in life for a kid. Then again, I used to tell myself I'd never give up my entire life for a man, and yet here I am.

"Not ideal?" he asks, pulling me to the side and onto a small stone balcony over the lower level of the city. It's not necessarily the slums, it's just a lower class type of place. Prompto lives down there somewhere. I lean forward against the black iron railing.

"I'm not a big fan," I mutter. "Besides, I saw what it did to my mother. She was never the same after Arma was born. According to my dad, at least."

"I understand," he nods, looking down at the small building below. "I didn't assume that would happen right away, though," he sighs, glancing toward me. "It would be nice, I suppose."

I don't answer, instead picking at the chipped paint of the black rail. The metal is cold beneath my fingertips, an icy welcome into bitter reality. Soon, I'll be leaving this place. No more time to spend with Ignis or Noctis or Prompto. No more bowing to King Regis. No more of my family. I almost wish I could say they're better off with me here, but I'm not so sure that's entirely true. A heavy weight falls on my shoulders, pulling me closer to the warmth of a new familiarity. Sighing, I give in, resting my head on Wyn's sturdy shoulder, my new solid foundation. Let's just hope it's one of solid rock and not sinking sand.

"It must be difficult," he murmurs. "Leaving your family and friends. Your kingdom. Almost like... betrayal." He shakes his head. "And here I am giving up nothing but half of my bed."

"It's just the way life goes, I guess," I mutter, offering a small smile. "Besides, you're giving up your sanity if you're dealing with me every day."

"I suppose," he chuckles. "I can hardly stand you; can't you tell?"

"You make it a little too obvious," I scoff, shrugging his arm off and tucking my hands back into my pockets. "Wanna grab something to eat? I'm kinda hungry."

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