XIV) Heading to Lestallum

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"Look out world, here we come!" Prompto cheers.

"We can finally get out of this dust bowl," Gladio sighs. I can hear him opening his book and ruffling through the pages.

"The lands beyond are vast by comparison to Leide," Ignis says. I can already smell the coffee in the cup holder beside him. He just opened a can of Ebony.

"Bigger's better!" Prompto replies cheerfully. "More stuff to see and do."

"First comes Duscae, a region known for its wetlands," Ignis explains.

"Really? Wetlands?" Noctis groans. I sigh.

"I really don't feel like trudging through mud all day."

"We'll see lots of your namesake," Prompto teases. I blindly kick at him, hitting the back of someone's seat instead. Ignis huffs. Gladio's shoulder bounces, hitting my temple with sharp bone.

"Go back to sleep."

"You just gave me a concussion," I scoff, readjusting as Noct puts his boots on my lap.

"There's also a chocobo forest," Ignis continues. I groan loudly.

"Now we're talking!"

"Rayne doesn't like chocobos," Noctis teases in a mumble. I huff, opening my eyes to glare at him.

"Chocobos don't like me. And they smell."

"You were mean to that one!" Prompto protests, grinning at me. "How 'bout you don't beg Iggy to let you kill us this time?"

"When'd this happen?" Gladio asks, raising an eyebrow. I shrug, closing my eyes again.

"Few years ago for Noct's birthday. You had bronchitis or something."

"Pneumonia," Ignis corrects.

"I didn't have pneumonia," Gladio grumbles.

"You were sick as a dog," Prompt agrees. "Coughin' all over the place and getting all wheezy at Noct's training... It's like you didn't want to get better." Gladio huffs, not bothering to reply.

"Continue, Ignis," I say through a yawn.

"Further west lies the Cleine region, wherein we'll find the town of Lestallum."

"Oh. Isn't that where Iris and Sig are headed?"

"Mhmm," I hum.

"Barring delays, they should've arrived by now," Gladio mutters. "Maybe even had themselves a look at the Meteor."

"Signum would've been too scared," I mumble. Gladio chuckles, shaking his head.

"The Meteor of the Six?" Noctis asks, straightening. I wince when his shoes scrape against my legs.

"The same," Ignis replies. "Its heat is harnessed to power Lestallum."

"Whoa," Prompto gushes. "That sounds way cool."

"I'm actually looking forward to this," Gladio agrees.

The car slows and Ignis pulls into a gas station. "It will be a long drive. Best fill up the tank before we set out." He parks the car, pausing before looking at Noctis in the rearview mirror. "I believe we have a solid lay of the land now. The driver's seat is yours, Noct- if you so desire it."

"You're kidding," Gladio says flatly, staring back at the advisor. "After what happened last time?"

"She'll have to get over it," Noctis replies proudly, patting my leg.

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