LII) Freedom's Facade

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            I shut the door gently behind me, feeling a sharp pain shoot through my head upon hearing the panel click shut. Wincing, I pinch the bridge of my nose, squeezing my eyes closed. Behind my eyelids, there's cloud of black smoke arising. I can almost feel its cold, bitter tendrils sinking down my throat, winding around my insides and tightening. I open my eyes, gasping for air and choking on the daemons' invasion of my body.

I shudder, stumbling forward onto my hand and knees. I lose my balance, falling hard onto my left shoulder with a grimace. I can't breathe, my vision is swimming, and yet I feel stronger as I drag myself to my feet, summoning my gunblade to my hand and look over the long, smooth shine of its blade. I catch a glimpse of my reflection, staring right back at a pair of dripping golden eyes. She was asking for death... Wasn't she? A menacing smile curls onto my lips. I suppose I can help...


"Hm?" My head snaps up and I'm met with Gladio's deep-set frown as he looks between my face and my sword. I glance back down at the weapon; there are no golden eyes. There's no black smoke. I can breathe again.

"Are you alright?"

"What? Yeah, I'm fine," I shake my head, dropping my weapon and reaching my trembling hand up to brush my hair out of my face. He maintains his steady expression of doubt as he takes his time walking toward me, crossing his arms tightly and leaning back against the smooth white wall.

"Guess I should apologize."

"For what?" I frown, watching his amber eyes lock firmly on the ceiling.

"We almost left you behind in Gralea. Prompto kept saying you were right next door but Iggy and I... There was some camera footage of your death in the computers, like Ardyn wanted us to see it." He shakes his head. "I wouldn't listen to him. Didn't wanna think about it."

"Gladio..." I sigh, twisting the bloody hem of my once sky-blue shirt absent-mindedly. "I really don't care about that whole fiasco. It was a @#$%-show, but it's done and over with. At least, the Gralea part anyway."

"I'm not so sure about that," Gladio grumbles. "Noct's there, isn't he?"

"Noct's in another realm at the mercy of the gods," I shake my head, pressing a teasing my smile onto my lips. "Guess that's not something you learn when you're being taught to be a bumbling idiot with a sword big enough to pose as a conveyor belt."

"Ouch," he retorts, finally look back toward me. "What happened to you?"

"I just got smacked around a bit before he finally decided to brainwash me," I shrug, trying to ignore the absence of a comforting weight against my chest. The amulet is gone for good this time. Smiling, I nudge his elbow gently. "So, you were really worried about me?"

"Iggy was too," he mutters under his breath, looking down the hallway with his defensive nature arising around him. Snickering, I shake my head and move to stand in front of him with my hand rested on my hip.

"Aw, c'mon big guy! You've gotta reflect some of my over-abundant, friendly love for everyone at some point."

"Over-abundant," Gladio repeats with a scoff, taking hold of my protruding elbow and pulling me closer to him. His other hand rests beneath my chin, drawing my eyes up to his. "Then you better save some for me."

"I dunno," I tease, kissing him briefly before pulling away with a grin. "Iggy might've beat you there. He's pretty fast, y'know."

"@#$% no he didn't," Gladio chuckles, pulling me back in for a bit longer.

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