XIX) Ardyn

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~Four Months Earlier~

"I don't know," Noctis huffs, crossing his arms. His practice sword lays discarded on the training room floor. Gladio's out again to take care of Iris. I hear she's caught a particularly bad bout of the flu. "I just don't trust him. He's imperial."

"I know," I sigh, falling onto the mat beside him and flopping onto my back. "But he's just... Different."

"Why do you sound so dreamy?" he groans, rubbing his face tiredly.

"I don't!" I snap defensively, glaring at him. Then I frown. "Do I?"

"I'd have to agree with His Highness," Ignis sighs, straightening his glasses. "You do seem particularly fond of Iterum lately."

"It's only been a week," I scoff, sitting up. I can feel my face growing hot, my palms beginning to sweat. It's hard to keep my composure when I know they're right.

It seems impossible. But the last week... It's impossible not to become fond of someone so charming and kind toward his enemy. Well, I guess we're not technically enemies anymore. Don't get me wrong; I don't sit in my room and swoon. I still hold the resentment of leaving Insomnia, and I don't think I'll ever let it go. But out of everyone it could have been in Tenebrae that they sent over, it was Wyn.

I'll admit I tried to avoid him. But he just kept showing up where I was, offering to help with whatever I was doing, offering his company when he was incompatible with the job. Eventually, we just spent an entire evening talking on my couch and eating Cup Noodles.

I must've fallen asleep while he was talking about all his conquests, because when I woke up, I could feel covers being tugged over my shoulders, the comfort of a mattress beneath me. Just two days ago, it was both of us that fell asleep while watching some bizarre, senseless movie Ignis recommended I watch a few months ago. I awoke to the feeling of Wyn's lips pressed against my forehead before he slipped out the front door. I mean... Need I say more?

"Oh gods, she's swooning," Noctis huffs. Ignis laughs lightly, shaking his head and fixing a wilting strand of hair.

"We should be grateful she doesn't hate him, Noct."

"Oh did at one point," I blurt, straightening. "But now... I dunno, I'm just glad it wasn't some freak show they sent over here."

"He's not a freak," Noctis scoffs. "Have you seen how much tea he drinks?"

"Have you seen how much coffee Iggy drinks?" I counter, standing and tugging the prince to his feet.

"Touché," he mutters, putting his wooden weapon away. "I still don't trust him." The door cracks open, a familiar face peeping in. Speaking of Wyn...

"What a coincidence," he grins, stepping into the room. "I hope I wasn't interrupting anything."

"We were just leaving," Ignis shakes his head. Noctis frowns at the blond before slipping past him. Ignis trails behind, tossing a white towel over his shoulder and closing the door behind him.

"What'd you need?" I ask, leaning down to pick up a water bottle the prince left behind. I toss it into the trash, looking back over my shoulder.

"I'm getting a bit stir crazy," Wyn admits, running a hand back through his hair, one gloved hand resting on his hip. I nod, avoiding his eyes. Its sicken how quickly my heart rate increases. He looks around the room, a small smile spreading across his lips. "We could spar? Though, I expect you'll be tired after facing the crown prince of Lucis. Wouldn't want to make it unfair, hm?"

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