Chapter One

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I know at sixteen I shouldn't be wanting to sit in Papa's lap and snuggle with him and Daddy at night, but I can't help it. I just want to feel comfortable. I want to feel wanted.

Daddy says its because I'm an omega, and as an omega we need to have the feeling of being protected. Daddy was lucky enough that he got Papa, because of I had to chose my mate, I would have chosen Papa too.

"Sven, come on, it's time to eat, bro." I hear Syrus call to me as he walks pass my room, tapping the wall as he walks by. I hop up from my bed and skip down the stairs after him. Daddy smiles at me as he places my plate in front of me before turning back around.

Papa isn't here right now because he had to go talk to some of his allied Alphas a few states over. Apparently their treaties are about to run out and they need to renew them. I really miss Papa, but he calls every night before bed and talks to all of us and tells us he loves us.

"How was all of your days today?" Daddy asks as we silently sit and eat our dinner. Papa is usually the one to start a conversation while we eat, so most of the time it's quiet when he is gone.

"There is this really cute boy who talked to me today. I think I'm in love." Savanna gushes as she fans her face off. She is one of those girls that people classify as a 'white girl'. She is really popular though and has lots of friends. Maybe if I acted like her I would have friends, but I don't need friends if I have Papa.

"Aren't you going to wait for you mate Vanna?" Sean asks as he sends her an amused smile, although we all know both him and Syrus are huge manwhores, well I do, Daddy and Papa don't, and I'm not going to snitch on him because he might try and hurt me if I did.

"I didn't say I was going to do anything with him, just that he's cute and I might be in love." Savanna says shortly before continuing to eat her salad, which doesn't seem like it would be enough to fill her up, but it seems to because that's all she ever eats, besides the Apple she usually eats for breakfast.

"What about you, Sven? How was your day?" Daddy asks as he rolls his eyes at my three siblings. I know he doesn't understand why they act the way that they do, but Daddy claims they got it from Papa, and that I got my shyness from him.

"It was fine. I wrote another piano piece." I say softly as I blush, all of their gazes on me makes me feel uncomfortable, Papa and I have been trying to work through it.

"That's really good, Baby. What is it called?" Daddy asks as he sends me one of his easy-going smiles, the one that makes Papa melt at his feet. I blush before shaking my head to myself.

"It's stupid." I grumble as I take a bite of my rice, even though mt stomach is already full, even after only eating a third of my plate.

"I'm sure it's not." Daddy assures me as he reaches across the table and runs my back. I only shrug my shoulders.

The only person I show or tell the title of my songs to are Papa, I assume that he tells Daddy some of them, or records me playing at some points, but I don't like putting myself up for judgement. I know Papa would never judge me like others would.

Daddy sighs but turns to Syrus and Sean and continues to make small talk with them as Savanna texts someone on her fancy smart phone. I pick my food, spreading it around so it looks like I ate more then I really did.

I wish Papa was here. He would talk to me.

Just putting this out there right now, all of the music that Sven wrote, isn't actually his, and I give credit to everyone who wrote them. I'll have songs later in the book that are 'his', but not really his. I like to write, but composing music isn't my thing.

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