Chapter Eighteen

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I watch as a bunch of women run around the house flustered and yelling things that I can't even make out. Ekon had decided that we needed bro time, so he stole me away from Lawson, who he said needed peace and quiet to do some last minute stuff before tomorrow. I dont know why it needed to be done last minute and before tomorrow, but i dont ask a lot of questions when it comes to Ekon.

Lawson wasn't happy when he found out that Ekon and I would be alone, but I assured him that I thought of Ekon as a big brother and I promised that I would never do anything with someone else that I would do with him. I know his jealousy stopped rearing its ugly head, but Lawson still had doubts.

It hurt knowing that he didn't trust me with Ekon, but it just made me want to prove to him even more that i can be trusted when I wanted to hang out with the only friend I have made since being here that isn't him.

"What going on in the head of yours? We are suppose to be having fun today and you've been stuck in your head this whole time." Ekon complained and he tipped over and let his head lay in my lap. I moved my arms so they weren't under his head and I let my hand pet his hair.

"Why is everyone running around like a chicken with its head cut off? And what's with all the paperwork Lawson needed done by tomorrow?" I say quietly as i look down at my friend.

"They are actually related, I'm surprised that no one has told you yet, especially Lawson, it probably skipped his mind." It hurt knowing that Lawson knew, but never told me about it. "An alpha is coming to visit with his family and a few of their warriors so he can continue their search for their missing son." My hand stopped petting his hair and I finally realize what is going to happen.

"When are they going to get here? What does that have to do with Lawson doing all that paperwork?" I ask sharply as i look down into Ekon's eyes, seeing his own confusion at my tone.

"Lawson has to file away that they are coming into our territory and that we consider them as allies, since it isn't for a war that they are crossing into our borders for. The women are trying to set the rooms up for all of our guest. I think we have to prepare about six rooms, I'm not sure. I could have sworn that Lawson said he was going to tell you, like two days ago." Ekon shrugged as he say back up.

I know what this means. Lawson and i have moved so far in our relationship, and i know that the reveal that the alpha coming into the pack territory is my father and the rest of my family coming with him, could put us back a few steps from where we have climbed to in it. I wish that I could have had more time to come to terms with what happened to make me leavs, but now i have to think of a way to tell Lawson without him freaking out on me.

"Oh, well. I hope the alpha finds his son, I can only believe the kind of pain he is going through." I say when i see the questioning look on Ekon's eyes as to why I became so quiet.

The rest of the day Ekon kept me hostage with him because Lawson was still busy. Before I was busy trying yo think of why the pack house seemed to be buzzing, but now my mind was full of ways that I was going to explain to Lawson about my life and how I came to be in his pack and that the alpha coming to the pack tomorrow is actually my father and is most likely going to make me come back with him.

I dont want to leave Lawson, and i know Lawson would never let me leave, but what would my father do when he realizes that I have been here and Lawson knew he was looking for his son, and I was right here in his pack the whole time? He is going to think I was kidnapped or something. Once again I'll be the little boy who needs to be showed the right road, even if it might be the wrong one for me, but the right for my family.

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