Chapter Seven

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"The Alpha is really nice. He can be intimidating at time when he needs to be, but he knows that he needs to also be gentle, that is why he is one of the most liked and feared alphas there are in the world as of now." Ekon said as we walked slowly through the woods. I think we are mainly walking at this pace because of me and my weak body, every few steps my legs give out in me and Ekon has to stop and help me back up from the ground. Every time my blush continues to get deeper and deeper.

"I don't think he would hurt me. Every alpha I've met have been really nice to me." I say quietly as I walk next to Ekon, my arm outstretched just in case my legs do give out and I don't fall into another stick like I have done a couple of times already, and I don't want to look like a wuss again from almost crying when all I had was a little scratch.

"You've met a lot of Alphas?" Ekon asks as he once again picks me up from the ground, this time keeping my elbow in his grasp, giving me a tiny bit of support that I need.

I bite my lip as I contemplate telling him that my parents are the Alpha's of the most powerful pack in the world. Eventually I decide not to, and only shrug my shoulders in response to his question. Ekon gives me a look but decides to drop it when he looks into my eyes, clearly seeing that the conversation has made me upset.

"I'm sure you'll love the Alpha, but just to let you know, he can be a little....loud, and pushy at times too." I nod because I know it's true. Even Papa had his moments back at the pack house when Daddy or one of my siblings would be challenging his authority.

Stop! I yell at myself. You have to stop think about them, they'll only drag you down in the end. They don't understand that you need to be treated like a normal person, not someone with a mental illness, one that isn't sick in the head.

"....and here we are!" I realize that I had turned out of what Ekon had been saying while I was in my own mind. I may never know what he said, because I'm too afraid to tell him I wasn't listening, too afraid that he and the alpha would change their mind and put me in the cellars.

Ekon grabs my hand and drags me behind him, apparently my speed wasn't fast enough for him, another thing I don't do good enough to satisfy a person. First, I'm not a good enough son, and second, I don't even walk fast enough to keep up with the person trying to help me out.

"I'm sorry I'm walking so slow. I'm just really tired." I say softly as I hurry to stay with them. Ekon seems to notice that I am struggling to stay with them, and stops walking.

"No, I'm sorry, I forgot that when we found you, you were pretty much just a puddle, your legs barely could hols you up. I can carry you on my back if that would help?" I hesitate to take up his offer, still feeling somewhat awkward from earlier, but the pain flaring in my calves every step I take makes up my mind.

"Sure, I would appreciate that." Ekon beams at me before crouching down so that I wouldn't have to jump as high to be able to get into it.

"I'll take you straight to the alpha so that afterwards you can get to your room and fall flat into a bed. I know that a bed must sound very appealing by now." I nod my head against his shoulder blade, feeling extremely small since I can barely wrap my arms around his neck and my legs around his waist. I didn't really notice a huge size difference until now.

I had almost fallen asleep when I felt myself being lowered to the ground. I unwrapped my legs from Ekon's waist and wiped my eyes with my small fist. Ekon cooed at me before turning around and opening the door that was there, before motioning for me to go inside.

Instantly I was hit with the most beautiful smell ever. It was a mix of rain, musk, and berries, some of my favorite smells in the world.

I could feel Star yipping to me as I looked around the room, until suddenly my eyes clashed with beautiful navy blue eyes. Black hair frames the man's eyes as he looked at me intensely. All I could see are his shoulders and chest which show from where he is behind the desk, but even from the small glance I am getting I can tell I was lucky with the man in front of me.

Wide broad shoulders with muscles rippling from underneath his tight t-shirt. Defined chest muscles popping through his shirt and the tattoo that came from underneath his shirt and curled around his neck and to the back of his neck. My breath had stopped the second I first saw this man, but now it suddenly came back to me in a whirlwind.

These man behind the desk stood up and walked around the where I was standing in the doorway. Everything else about his was perfection, even his voice, which uttered the one word I always longed to hear.


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