Chapter Twenty-Seven

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“Sven, have you had the chance to write any new songs lately?” Papa asks as he wraps his arm around Miles and pulls the pup into his side. Miles blushes as he snuggles into Papa’s arms.

“I've played a few times, I wrote a few songs.” I blush as I look down on the ground. Lawson sets his large hand on top of my head and messes with my hair. I glare at him weakly before giving it up to smile at my mate. Lawson only pulls me closer to his side.

“He is really good sir, I've only heard him play a few times but he seems to have a real talent for it.” Ekon pipes up as he shuffles around in his seat. All of my family shoots Lois of disbelief to Ekon before looking back at me.

“Why is that such a big deal? Shouldn't you be happy that he is playing to other people and showing them the talent he has?” Lawson gets defensive as he pulls my closer to his side and sneering in the direction of my shocked family. I thump him in the shoulder and give him a warning look when he turns in my direction. Lawson's face moves from accusationing to questioning as he looks at my parents.

“It's not that we don't want him to play for others, it's just he never has wanted to play for others.” Sean says quietly from where he sits. He is still unsure about the situation, but I continue to send him small smiles every once in awhile so he knows everything between us is okay.

“He never seemed to mind when I would walk in on him playing, he would just continue to play.” Daddy gasps as tears fill his eyes.

“My baby is finally growing up!” I groan as I hide my face behind my hands. Papa chuckles as Daddy darts over and begins to hug me and Lawson in what I'm assuming is a group hug. He pulls back eventually with tears running down his face as he smiles at us before turning to look at Lawson.

“Sven refused to ever play for any of us besides Sampson. He was afraid we would say bad things about his music and playing, he and Sampson always had a bond more extreme than any of us understood. Now that he has met you he finally realizes he does have worth.” Daddy continues to cry as he hugs the two of us to him.

Everyone seems shocked in one way or another, Ekon and Lawson because of what they have learned about my past self, and my family, for what they have learned about the new me. Miles just seems shocked with the amount of people crying around him.

“I'm so proud of you baby, I knew someday you would realize that all the self hate you lived under wasn't true, I knew someday we would all be able to see the real you.” Papa words make tears rise in my own eyes, and before I know it I'm in Papa’s arms, and crying with him, for all of the memories we had, and how now, we can make more together, with the real me.

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