Chapter Twenty-Four

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“Well, my favorite color is navy. It's not completely dark like black, but it is also not over bright like all those pastel and neon colors they keep coming up with.” I giggle as Lawson’s fingers trail over the shirt, which just happens to be navy, that I had put on when we first started getting comfortable in the bed, a little over an hour ago.

“I think my favorite is like a royal purple. It matches a lot of things and it isn't dark like you say, but it does have some color, plus it was my school color, so I've always just sort of had it around.” I shrug as I scoot closer to Lawson. Lawson wraps both of his arms around me and pulls me into his chest.

“What about your family?” I tense a little at the question, but relax as Lawson begins to rub my back soothingly with his hands.

“I love my family, and I was always very loved by all of them. I have two older brothers, and a younger sister, who acts older than me most of the time. Honestly I think my siblings always were a little stuck up, Sean and Savanna were really bad, Syrus just kind of joined them by association. My father's were the most loving men I’ve ever known. They have some much love for us, for each other, for the pack. Some days I wondered if they had any other organs in their bodies besides hearts because it seemed as if their love was endless.” I smile as I snuggle closer to Lawson’s chest, making sure that he can still hear me without my voice being all muddled.

“If it was all so perfect, then why did you leave?” Lawson asks quietly. His nose nuzzling against my hair. I pull back so I can look into his eyes as I speak.

“I never knew I had ADHD. My parents decided not to tell me when I was diagnosed as a baby. It was odd for me to have it since I was a wolf, I wouldn't have ever guessed. I think, Sean was always jealous with the relationship I had with Papa. I accidently made a mess of the groceries that we had just gotten, and it got on him, and he said some things that I know are true, but we're brutally honest. I got so upset, I just up and ran. I didn't look back and I kept running, until I landed in your territory. I think my wolf knew you were here, and lead me straight to you. I miss them all terribly, and i know Sean didn't mean what he said, but I'll be seeing them soon and I'm sure that he will apologize and my family and I will be reunited again.” Lawson nods as he nuzzles his nose back into my hair. I know he will soon realize my words and it doesn't take long before he freezes and pulls away from me.

“Wait, reunited again? Did you call them, or something? You make it seem as if they are going to be here tomorrow.” Lawson asks as he sits up slightly so I'm laying beneath him and he is hovering over me.

“Actually, I didn't call them, they called you.” Lawson stares for a second before his eyes sodden in understanding and he sits up so he is kneeling on the bed.

“Your father's are Sorenson and Silas, some of the most powerful werewolves to ever love? And I'm about to get my ass kicked for holding you here when they called and asked if they could pass through my land and I said yes with the assumed knowledge that you were here but I didn't tell them about this? I would be surprised if I lived to see the weekend.” Lawson seems to be a lot more distressed than I first considered he would be.

“Papa and Daddy aren't like that, sure, Papa will be mad, but when I tell him I didn't sven tell you until today, he should back off, at least enough that he wouldn't kill you for it. Daddy wouldn't hurt a fly let alone a human, or werewolf, I should say.” Lawson is still on edge but has calmed down greatly considered how he looked ready to bolt two seconds ago.

“I promise I won't let them hurt you in any way. They'll know you are important to me and that if they hurt you I'll never forgive them. They may be my family, but you are too, now, and they have to accept that.” Lawson leans back down at gives me the sweetest kiss he has ever given me. It's slow and sweet and fill of all of the emotions i know he has for me and I have for him, but we have never muttered to one another. It makes me crave for the next day that I have with him, Lawson, my mate.

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