Chapter Eight

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Everyone went silent and still in the room after the man uttered the single word. I know that this must be something that they didn't expect when bringing me here, so I can give them time to try and process what just happened. I'm not stupid, they said they were bringing me to the Alpha, and then when they tell me we are here, and for me to just go inside, the man inside ends up being my mate.

The Alpha is my mate.

"Lawson, what are you saying?" Ekon ask as he walks further into the room and pushes me behind him slightly, almost as if he is afraid that the man, Lawson, could potential hurt me, his mate.

"You know damn well what I am saying, Ekon. Stop touching my mate, he is mine, and mine only." Lawson growls as he takes a few steps closer to us. I peak around Ekon's shoulder and take another quick look at my mate.

He said that I am his, does that mean that he has accepted me? Why would he do that? I'm a little omega who can't even think properly.

"I'm sorry, Alpha. I didn't mean anything by it, I just wanted to make sure you wouldn't hurt him." Ekon says quietly as he lets me step around him so that we are standing next to eachother.

"What do you mean hurt my mate? I would never touch a hair on his perfect little head." Lawson growls as he takes another threatening step towards Ekon, who only lifts his hands up in surrender and takes another step back.

"I meant in an emotional way. You aren't the nicest of people, Lawson, and from the short walk here I've learned that Sven deserves more then your shity attitude and constant mood swings. When you said that you were his mate I was just nervous you would say something stupid to drive him away, and I didn't want that." I frown as I turn to Ekon, had he been lying to me earlier as he tried to convince me that the Alpha was a kind-hearted man?

"I thought you said he was really nice and just wanted to help me?" I ask quietly as I lay my hand on his shoulder, flinching away from him when Lawson let's out a deadly growl of warning.

"I just didn't want you to run away. I thought that if I told you he was a really nice person that you would lokk past his real personality and see him for what I had described, but obviously that didn't work, seeing as so far all I've said so far contradicts everything i previously told you." Ekom.sighs as he wipes his hand down his face, exhaustion evident on his features.

"Thank you, for trying to keep me safe. But, next time, just tell me the truth, I promise I can handle it, even if I seem scared or worried about it. I don't want to be treated like a baby anymore." I say softly with a smile to let Ekon know that I'm not really mad at him for what he did. Ekon smiles at me before messing up my hair with his hand. A throat clearing catches both of our attention.

"What do you mean by 'again'. Did someome once treat you like a baby?" Lawson asks as he tilts his head to the side. I purse my lips at his question. I don't want them to know who my family is quite yet. So maybe I should lie about this, but do I want to lie to my mate, right after I had just met him?

"No, I didn't mean it like that. I, um, I don't really know why I said that because it's not true." I smile awkwardly, suddenly the feeling of knowing that the man in front of me is my mate is making me feel a lot of different things at once, but guilt is the biggest one, I just lied to my mate, and it doesn't feel good.

"That was a lie of I ever heard one, but if you aren't ready to tell me, then I respect that. Ekon would you mind giving me and my mate a few minutes to ourselves?" Ekon purses his lips but nods anyways before leaving the room, the door clicking shut behind him.

Lawson turns to me, and the look in his eyes make all my bones turn into jelly. How am I suppose to handle being with this man for the rest of my life, if only his eyes can make me turn to goo?

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