Chapter Nine

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"How did You get into my land. I like to pride myself on knowing thay no one would be able to pass my warriors guarding the border." I'm surprised that is the first thing he said directly to me. I thought would have been more excited in finding his mate, I guess I was wrong, again.

"I don't know, my wolf took over and led me here. I'm sorry for breaking into your land, I can leave if you want." I say softly as I stare at the floor. I was really hoping that maybe what Ekon had said about my mate had been a lie, but now I know that it isn't, and that he really is like everything Ekon just said. Rude, arrogant, and demanding.

"I didn't say I wanted you to leave. I simply asked you an answer, and I'm expecting an answer." I flinch away from his hard tone, and continue to look at the ground, although all me and Star want to do is look up and gaze at my mates gorgeous body again. I wish that i could have a personal engravement of him behind my eyelids so I wouldn't feel embarrassed about openly staring at him.

"I don't know. I'm really sorry." I whisper as I begin to wring my hands in worry. Tears fill my eyes and it takes all of my energy not to let my tears fall and embarrass myself even more in front of this intimidating man.

The room is quiet. I stay in my spot looking at the floor, barely holding back the flood of tears that want to course down my cheeks and the intense urge to run gome to Papa no matter what has had happened the past few hours.  Lawson is still seated behind his dsk, his eyes piercing into me from where he sits.

After a few minutes he finally lets out a sigh as he stands up, walking closer to me and tilting my chin up so that I can look him in the eyes. I quickly use the back of my hand to wipe my eyes, hoping that he won't treat me like a baby for seeing me cry over something so small.

"I'm sorry I made you upset, Sven. I just want to make sure that my pack is and always will be safe. That means figuring out ways to make the pack safer so that rogues can't get in the same way you did." I nod even though I still feel terrible for not being able to tell him where I came into his pack for. I would feel horrible if a rouge was able to get into the pack because of what I did. I feel as if I just failed the first test he gave me.

"I will ask Ekon to get you a room so that you can settle in. I'll come and visit you a little before dinner so I can talk to you about some of the things that we do in the pack. I hope that the room you have will accommodate to your needs." With those parting words Lawson strode out of the room.

I look after him in mild shock and confusion. Never once had he mentioned the fact that we are mates, or that he too felt the tingles of pleasure that filled our bodies when only two of his fingers touched the barest of skin on my chin.

I touch the spot that he touched earlier with one of my own fingers, and smile. No matter how cold he might be to me, we are mates, the pull will finally make him relaize that he can't always be cold to me and he hasnt rejected me yet, that has to be a good thing, right?

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