Chapter Thirty-Four

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I think you all know what time it is, but if you don't, it's smutty time.

My eyes flicker shut when i feel Lawson's moth descend on my chest. He traces a trail from one collarbone to the other, before he dips down and wraps his lips against my already erect nipple. A moan rips out of my throats as I feel him nip and pull on the small bud, I never knew that my nipples were so sensitive, but I think that I could explode just from the ministrations that Lawson is administering on my nipple.

“Lawson, that feels so good.” I moan as curl my fingers into the short silky strands of his hair. Lawson hums against my nipple, making my toes curl from measure and for another part of me to get unbearably hard. Eventually Lawson pulls away and I groan out in disappointment, Lawson chuckles deeply at me before bringing his swollen lips back up to mine. I surrender to his lips and curl my arms back around his waist, holding his to me.

“I love you baby, but I don't want to make you come without being in you first, are you ready for me to prep you, I don't want to hurt you.” My eyes are half-lidded as I nod mutely to Lawson, he seems to hesitate for a second, but the look in my eyes are enough for him to get moving.

“I'm going to prep you, with my fingers. If it hurts at all, you need to tell me. Okay, baby? I want you to answer me with your words, so I know that you are truly okay with this.” It warms my heart that Lawson is being so thoughtful to me. He wants to make sure I am completely ready, and I am, which is making this whole ordeal a lot less heartfelt than I know it is.

“Please, Lawson. Please make me yours.” I beg quietly as I scrape my hands down his back again, and the groan that I get in return is enough to make me forgive him for making me wait those few seconds longer. Lawson's eyes darken as his lowers his head back down to my chest, skipping over my nipples making me groan in displeasure, but then his tongue is tracing patterns down my stomach and tracing the line where my boxers sit. I don't know when my pants came off, but all that is left on my body are my boxers, I look up and see Lawson is in the same boat and has stripped himself of all of his clothes besides his boxers, not that I am complaining.

“It might feel a little uncomfortable at first, but when I first enter you, with my cock, it's going to hurt, i'll wait until you have stretched enough before I begin moving and it'll feel good, I promise baby.” I blush at his words, but nod nonetheless. I don't care if it hurts, I want to be fully connected with the man i love, and will forever love.

Lawson looks me in the eyes as he slowly pulls my boxers down, and then doing the same to himself much more quickly. I blink in shock as i look at his naked lower half. That is going to fit inside of me? Lawson must see my hesitation because he smiles and nods as he leans down to give me another kiss. I'm not an expert with sex, but I'm pretty sure his cock is not suppose to be that big, or that long.

Suddenly Lawson's whole body is covering mine, his hips grinding into my own. It throws my mind away from all of my insecurities and I just let myself feel. And Lawson sure does know how to make me feel really good.

“You're ready now, your body was made for me, you'll stretch and fit around me perfectly. You are perfect for me.” Lawson purrs as he pulls the fingers out he had slipped in my right tight hole a few minutes ago, and grabs  the lube he had pulled out of the dresser a little while earlier right before we both got completely naked.

I open my legs to him and i slam my head back on the pillow below my head. I feel my nerves begin to skyrocket now that it's about to become official, I'm about to be mated with Lawson, and alpha.

“Relax.” Lawson soothe as I feel his bed brush against my hole. I relax my tense muscles before nodding to Lawson to show i am ready.

I groan when I first begin to feel him push on, but slowly, the pain becomes a dull ache, and it feel more good, than bad. Eventually my groans, turn into moans and grunts of pleasure.

The feeling of having the one inside of you, moving tenderly as if you are going to break at any second, is the one feeling in the world that I will always crave. This is something that i would never give up now that I have felt it.

“Lawson, I'm close, please, mark me, make me all your, mind, body and soul.” Lawson’s answering growl makes my skin crawl with pleasurable shivers. I moan a final time before I feel myself erupt, Lawson let's out another growl before finishing his finally stroke and erupting inside of me, letting his seed coat my insides. Lawson surges forward and bites into the side of my neck, marking me as his. I lean forward with the last of my energy and bite him back, linking him to me.

Before I fall asleep I can hear Star hopping inside my head with finally being mates mated to our mate.

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