Chapter Thirteen

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Lawson continued to drag me into the pack house and up the stairs. I thought he was going to being me to my room, but he continued up to the top of the packhouse, where Ekon told me that he lives. The top floor of the whole pack house is Lawson's office and room. I think it is pretty incredible that his room is so big. I don't know what I would do with so much space.

I don't know why he is bringing me here now. I hope I somehow didn't get into trouble by talking to those people earlier.

"Lawson, did I do something wrong? I'm sorry if i did. I was just trying to get to know everyone and they started being mean to me. I wasn't mean back, I swear. I would never be a meanie." I plead. Lawson turns around with a glare on his face.

"They were being rude to you? What did they say?" Lawson asked as he pushes me so I landed in his bed sprawled out. I gasped as he crawled over my prone body and how he pinned my arms above my head with his own.

"They just keep telling me to leave because they were busy and annoying them. I'm sorry if I annoyed them. I promise I'll try harder so people like me more." I promise as I try and yank my arms out from underneath Lawson. My arms stay where they are, but Lawson's grip loosens.

"They don't have a right to talk to you that way. You are my mate. They shall treat you with respect like they do me. I don't want anyone to treat you like that, if someone says anything rude or mean to you like that again you tell me immediately and I'll deal with the person involved. Do you hear me?" I nod slowly as I look up at Lawson. His dark eyes drawing me in. I domt know if I would actually tell him, I don't want someone else getting in trouble because of me. Plus, they would hate me more than they already do.

"Good, now I am going to kiss you until your lips are purple so all the men and women staring at you know you are mine." I gasp as Lawson's mouth descends onto mine.

Lawson's kisses are rough and demanding something I never thought I would want in my life. I don't know if I should relish in the feeling or if I should be scared of how I wish to ask him for more.

"Nobody is going to ever take you away from me. You aren't allowed to leave me. If you try you better damn know that I will come for you, and I will drag you back to me whether you like it or not. Your soul is tied to mine, forever." Lawson groves into my ear after he pulls away to give both of us much needed air.

"The only reason I would leave would be if you told me to." I whisper back to him. Lawson pulls away from me to search my eyes, almost as if he was checking to see if I was lying. Once he finds whatever he was look for he gives me an approving nod.

"Good, then you're never leaving."

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