Chapter Thirty-Seven

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I'm so excited. I have everyone in on the song that I need. Lawson was able to somehow come up with all of the instruments that we would need hours before the barbecue even started. Daddy had found out about the event tonight, but seemed upset that I hadn't included him in with us. If only he knew that the song was for him.

Lawson has been fussing over me since he saw me wince when I jumped up onto one of the bar stools. He thinks that it isn't a good idea to have the barbecue today and that it can be held off until tomorrow, but I keep insisting that it is okay, and that I won't be hurting myself any by sitting. That still didn't stop his fussing though, and I am getting to the last bit of insanity I have left.

“Sven, I don't want you to feel as if you have to do this. The pack accepts you already, you don't need to do anything to prove yourself. And if they didn't approve of you I would throw them out of the pack. Point is, you don't have to do this to show you are strong and brave. I love you and that's all that matters.” Lawson finally breaks as we are sitting in our room, me getting dressed and him sitting on the bed watching me.

“Is that what this is all about?” I ask as I pull my boxers up my legs. Lawson seems confused and he makes a motion with his hand as to say that I need to elaborate. “That you think I'm doing this because I want to prove myself to the pack after what Rachel said about me?” Lawson hesitates to answer before he nods his head hesitantly. I smile softly as I walk over to where he is sitting and climbing into his lap.

“This isn't because of the pack. It's because of me.” I giggle softly at my own words, it sound as if I am trying to break up with someone. “I want to show my family, you, Papa, Daddy, Syrus, Sean, smd Savanna all that I can do. I've always gone through life living off of others. I never contributed to the pack when I lived to my parents, I would stay locked in my room for hours and would only come out if Papa was home. I want to show them that I have grown, and matured, and that I can now take care of myself. That I've found myself.” Lawson smiles as he shoves his face into my neck. I know without saying any words on how proud of me he is.

“I'm so proud of you. When I first met you, found you I guess I should say, you were so timid and shy and you wouldn't even come near me because of how scared you were. I love you and always want the best for you, and I think this is what's best for you right now. Proving all of the worth that you have.” I smile back at Lawson as I rub my nose against his.

“Thank you, Kitty.” Lawson groans at the nickname but doesn't pull away from me. I think that he secretly likes it, but he is too many lay to say so.

A knock on the door pulls away from each other and I walk over to open it after wrestling out of Lawson's arms that seemed to want to keep me caged in next to him. Papa is standing outside the door and smile softly at the both of us.

“Are we ready? All us of us are set and ready to perform, and they just put all of the meat and stuff on the grill. So it shouldn't be soon now.” I turn to look at Lawson, who give me an encouraging smile, before turning and nodding to my father. Papa smiles the both of us, and tells us that he will meet us outside, giving my boxers and t-shirt a sidelong look. I blush as I shut the door and glare at Lawson as he laughs at my expression. If only I didn't love the dummy so much.

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