Chapter Seventeen

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Lawson's POV

I look down at Sven's sweet face. He had fallen asleep in the car on the way home and I didn't have it in me to wake him uo. He had played hard while we swam in the little lagoon that i had taken him for our date. I knew he would love it, he loves things like that. Simple things of beauty.

I wish he realized how beautiful he is. Corsel grumbled to me. I had to agree. Sven doesn't realized how beautiful he is. I would be the first to testify. I tried to distance myself from him, giving him his own room, his own bed. I didn't want to be tempted by his innocent face and bright smile.

Of course I lost. Only one day after he had been here i could hold back anymore. I snapped shen Ekon came and spoke to ms. His words still ring in my head.

"You need to get your head out of the gutter. Realize what you are doing to that poor boy. He just wants to please you, he wants to be loved and you are sitting here doing whatever you can to not be around him. Stop being a fucktard and just go to him, it's okay to be weak sometimes."

After he had finished talking i walked away and made it my mission to find my mate. To find my Sven.

When I found him cowering away from Belinda and her group of followers i knew something had bappened, and i had to prove to everyone that he is mine and no one could take him for granted. I wouldn't let him be treated as if he was below them, and if i knew how devious Belinda is, then I know thay she must jave already sunk her claws into his perfectly fair skin.

I knew then that I would never let this innocent boy be in the hands of someone else.

Of course i needed to find out why he was rouge. There is no way he has been a rouge for long, even with his core deep innocence, he would have been corrupted eventually, no rouge comes out like him after they have been by themselves for so long.

I would never force him to tell me why he went rouge, he will tell me in his own time, but i can't help but think of all of the dark possibilities as to why he left his pack.

I lay Sven down on my bed and take a moment to look down at his sleeping face. God, I really did get lucky. The moon goddess must be praising me for something.

A knock sounds on the door making me grumble. I told everyone I wanted the whole day ti be uninterrupted so i could spend some quality time with my mate.

"What do you want?" I grumble as I open the door and see Ekon on the other side of it. Ekon smiles at me before gesturing for me to come out of the room.

"The alpha with the missing son is on the phone and he wants to talk to you. I'm not sure what about because he was pretty tightlipped about it." I sigh as i look back into the room and see Sven laying out on the bed. I dont want to leave hom, but he is sleeping and I should be able to get back before he wakes.

"Sure, stay outside my door and if you hear Sven moving around come and get me. I should be back before he wakes up." Ekon nods to me and i nod back before walking down the hall and into my office.

The phone is already off of the hook so i pick it up amd bring it to my ear.

"This is Alpha Lawson." I say firmly into the phone as i ait down in my seat and lean back.

"Hello, Alpha, this is Alpha Silas, I want to talk to you about coming onto your territory in two days so that I can continue the search for my son." Silas goes right down to business. I know if i was to lose a loved one i would be doing the same thing he is.

"Of course, you can stay here in the pack house, can i ask how many people will be coming with you so i know how many rooms to prepare?" No way would I keep a man from finding his child.

"Thank you, and I will be bringing eight people including myself, but my mate and I will share a room and my son's will also share a room, so we only need six rooms." I nod as I make a note on a scrap piece of paper on my messy desk.

"Of course. That you for calling ahead of time. I'll make the rooms for you and expect you in two days time." I say into the phone, already standing up so i can get back to my mate as soon as possible.

"Thank you very much, Alpha Lawson, our pack will forever be grateful to you." With a few more parting words we both hang up amd I hurry back to my room to see my mate. When I see him still curled up in the bed i smile and curl around his back, pulling his into my chest so he is my little spoon.

I smile larger when Sven turns around and wraps his arms around my body, coming as close to me as he can. I nuzzle his hair before falling into a blissful sleep next to my innocent mate.

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