Chapter Twenty-Eight

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After everyone stopped crying we had moved on to happier things. I told them how I met Lawson, and that he treated me like crap when we first met, but then his attitude changed overnight and he was all lovey dovey with me. Lawson blushed at this part as he looked everywhere besides someone's eyes.

“Then we found Miles in the woods. He was scared and Lawson was trying to be big bad alpha, so I told him to leave and I would deal with him. I asked him a bunch of questions but he ended up just calling me mom, and I told him that Lawson was his Dad because Lawson and I are together. Lawson wasn't too happy about it, but then became all mushy and basically treats Miles like the little prince he is when he realized that I'm not going anywhere and that Miles isn't going anywhere either.” I explain leaving out the few details that come with how we found Miles, what state he was in when he found him, and the way he was treated in his old pack. Miles curls more into my side as he looks up at me.

“Lawson didn't like that, he was whining like a little puppy saying he wanted to be with him mate and such. It's not safe. Should I go see if he is okay?. Should I try and listen in to their conversation?. I should have stayed with him. If he gets hurt I'm going to kill everything in this whole world.” Ekon laughs as he punches Lawson in the shoulder, who in turn growls at him in embarrassment to stop him from going on with his sentence.

“I wasn't like that.” Lawson defends himself, but I can see his cheeks start to turn a deep shade of red from the embarrassment. Everyone awes as they look at him blush, and I can only laugh. I love to see him embarrassed after all of the times he has purposely embarrassed me because he claims he loves the way I look when my cheeks are all red.

“What are you laughing at?” Lawson asks alarmed as he turns to look at me.

“It funny seeing you be the flustered one, usually you take pleasure in making me flustered, but now you are the flustered one, so I am going to take pleasure in it.” Lawson just growls lowly at everyone before pulling his arm from around my shoulders and crossing them across his chest and juts his bottom lip out so he is officially pouting.

“You big baby.” I scoff as I roll my eyes at his antics. Lawson only gives me a look full of pity and I roll my eyes at him once again. Lawson's pout turns more pouting when he sees me roll his eyes at him.

“Daddy, you are a bigger baby then I am.” Miles shouts as he crawls over my lap as sits on top of Lawson. Finally Lawson smiles as he wraps his arms around Miles and tackles the little wolf to the floor. The two of them laugh as they fake tackle each other to the floor. Eventually I join in when I see Lawson finally has Miles pinned down. I jump onto Lawson’s back and roll over so that he isn't on top of Miles anymore.

Eventually Ekon, and all of my siblings join in on the play fighting. My parents sit and watch us with fond smiles on their lips, recounting all of the times we had fun like this when we were all younger. Our family may have been broken not even hours before this, but now, we are whole again, and new members have joined in on our family. If I couldn't see if before, I see it now. Family is where home is.

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