Chapter Twenty-One

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“What's your name? If you mind me asking.” I ask as I sit in the ground in front of where the boy is cowered in in himself. The boy seems or struggle with what to say, so he only shrugs.

“I don't know. I never had a name. Am I supposed to have one?” My heart breaks a little more at the hopeless look on his face. He obviously isn't a threat like Lawson thinks he is.

“Yes, everyone has a name. Mine is Sven, and my mates is Lawson. Are you sure that you've never been called anything before?” The boy thinks for a second before his face lights up.

“I've been called a lot of things, omega, bitch, whore, slut, nothing, little piece of shit. I don't know which is my real name, but I was mainly called those names.” The boy seems proud of himself for finally being able to answer my question, but I stared at him wide eyed and mouth slacked open.

“Sweetheart, those aren't names that anyone should ever be called.” I say softly as I lean forwards and place a hand on top of his head. It surprises me that he doesn't flinch away and leans into my touch. I don't know how he can give me so much trust when everything he's told me shows that he has lived in an abusive environment.

“Can you give me a name then? I really want to have a name.” The boy begs softly as he curls up in my lap. He is smaller than me, but I know in a few years he will have me beat on size, even if he is an omega like me. I can't help but cuddled more with the boy and I pet his head that he lays on my shoulder.

“What about Miles, it means gift from God. And I think that you are a pretty special gift.” The boy, Miles, perked up before nodding quickly. He seemed giddy as he bounced in my lap.

“It's so cool to have my own name now.” Miles exclaimed as he turned in my lap so he was straddling me. It made my cheeks redden in embarrassment from the position but I knew Miles had no dirty intentions. He is just excited.

“Do you know how old you are?” I ask as Miles continues to lay with the buttons on my shirt in fascination. Miles thinks for a few seconds before nodding.

“I think I'm 13,  it I'm not sure, I haven't had a birthday since I was five, and I've been keeping tallies since then, and I have eight, and eight plus five is thirteen.” Miles seems proud of himself for being able to figure out the math on his own, and I know that he obviously hasn't been to school a day in his life if he is proud that he can add eight plus five correctly without any help.

“Good job. Do you think you're ready to come with me to the pack house. I can get you settled in your own room, and we can…..”

“No! I want to stay with you. Can I stay with you? Please?” Miles eyes fill with tears as he suddenly grabs me in a death grip, hard enough to make my bones creak in displeasure. I let out a noise when he stuffs his face into yo neck, rubbing his chin on my neck. I know he is trying to put his scent on me, but I don't understand why.

“Alright, you can stay in the spare bed in mine and Lawson’s room. Is that okay?” I ask as I rub Miles back, trying to comfort the small boy. Miles relaxes into my body as he nods.

“Can I ask why, you want to stay with me?” I ask hesitantly as I continue to reassure him. Miles pulls away from me in surprise.

“You're my mommy, I don't want to ever be away from you.”

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