Chapter Sixteen

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I quickly showered and changed before hurrying downstairs into the kitchen. Lawson was already down there waiting for me with a to-go mug of coffee sitting in his hand. He held it out to me and my heart melted. He already knew how to take down every single brick built up around my heart.

Coffee. And the piano of course. If he learned how to play the paino I would probably faint and then cry when I woke up.

"Lets go. I want you to be able to see something before it is gone. Or else we will have to wait a while before it comes back around." I frown at how vague he is being but follow behind him and I happily sip from my mug. Chugging down the coffee inside. Lawson shakes his head when he sees that I'm already mostly done with the coffee by the time we make it to the car.

He hands me his and I feel as if hearts are in my eyes by the feelings coursing through my body.

"Dont need to look at me like that. I know you aren't ready yet for that, but if you keep looking at me like that I'm going to pull over on the side of the road and fuck you like my wolf is howling at me to do." I quickly snap my eyes so that they are looking out the window. Lawson chuckles again but I can tell it is forced and the way he is shifting he really did get worked up.

"Im sorry. I didn't mean to make you get, uhm, uncomfortable. If it's that bad then I guess I could help you out." I blush as I quietly say this. I still dont think I'm ready for that but if it makes him feel any better then I would do what I have to.

"You don't want to, and I'm okay with you not being comfortable with that kind of stuff yet, so I'm not going to make you do anything that makes you uncomfortable. Once you want to suck me off, I'm not going to conplain, but don't feel like you have to." I blush at his words but nod wordlessly as I continue to drink from his coffee, much slower then I did mine.

We drive for about and hour before Lawson turns into a dirt road that leads to a very big forest. I feel scared when I see that we are in the middle of nowhere, but I know Lawson would never do anything to hurt me and he would do anything to keep me safe.

"We are here." I look out the window to see a beautiful waterfall rushing into a large lagoon like area. The flowers sway side to side from the light wind outside and I feel my eyes tear up. Lawson thought to being me here, to a place so beautiful.

Lawson opens my door and i am quick to throw myself at him. Lawson catches me and slowly shuts my door almost as if he isn't sure if i want to stay or not. I pull away from him and look uo into his dazzling eyes.

"Thank you for bringing me here, Kitty. It's so pretty." I say softly, smiling when I say his nickname. Lawson fake purrs at me causing me to giggle even more. Lawson grabs my hand before starting to walk towards the lake.

"Come on, we have to hurry before they leave." I follow behind him quietly although I want to ask who 'they' are, but my answer is soon questioned when I see the deer drinking from the lake.

Lawson and I sit and watch them interact with each other for about ten minutes before one of them makes a chirping sound and the rest of them run after him.

"That was so cool. How did you know what time they were going to be here at? How did you find this place?" I fire questions off at Lawson who only smirks down at me.

"I use to come here a lot with my mom. I loved it. We use to watch the dear together. I know all of them, their parents, their pups. It's beautiful to watch and know that they can be so calm in happy when the rest of the world seems restless and irritated." I nod as I sit down on one of the rocks. Lawson sits down behind me before pulling me into his chest.

"Just to let you know, this is a date." I smirk as I look back at him.

"Whatever you say, Kitty."

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