Chapter Four

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"Daddy told my you wrote another song while I was gone. Will you let me hear it?" Papa asked as I sat on the couch next to him, cuddled up in his side.

Daddy had taken Savanna with him grocery shopping, Syrus and Sean are off doing there own thing, so Papa and I decided that we were going to watch movies until Daddy got back and we would help him put the groceries away.

"Maybe later." I mumble as I watch the movie. I never knew that Transformers was such a good movie series, I couldn't wait for the next one to come out soon this summer. Papa smiles at me while rubbing his hand over my hair, messing it up in the process. I grumble as I semi-fix it, but leave the rest of it messy as I get back into the movie.

I don't remember falling alseep, but I must have at some point because the movie was showing the credits and I could hear everyone talking in the kitchen, putting away the groceries Daddy had gotten.

"Look at who decided to wake up." Daddy teases as he put some milk into the fridge. I blush when everyone looks at me, and hurriedly scurry behind Papa. Papa chuckles as he places an arm around my neck and pulls me forward, placing a kiss on the side of my head before pushing me to the grocies that haven't been put away yet.

I timidly grab the eggs and turn around, running right into Sean. I see Sean take a deep breath. I don't know why, but Sean is really mean to me, and likes to tell yell at me sometimes when Papa and Daddy aren't around, but seeing the anger in his eyes, I know he won't care this time that they are here.

"You f*cking idiot!" He bellows as he face becomes increasingly redder as the seconds go by. I drop the rest of the eggs and wince at the noise they make in the silent kitchen.

"You better hold your tongue, Son." Papa warns quietly as he looks at the two of us, the bread he is holding in his hand almost seems as if he could use it as a weapon if he had to.

"No, I won't. I'm sick and tired of all of you letting him get away with being a little baby. You even baby him yourself. He is a sixteen year old boy, he shouldn't be acting like he is eight!" Sean tells at Papa as he pokes me in the chest harshly.

I feel my lip begin to wobble as tears fill my eyes, but I stay rooted in my spot, scared to move.

"You be quiet. Right now." Daddy joins in on defending me. Sean only scoffs as he throws the apples he has in his hands into my chest. I let them hit me and fall to the floor.

"I'm not going to let him walk all over me because he's stupid. He may have a disability but I'm the next Alpha. If he can't accept the fact that he isn't my equal that I'll have to show him!" The room gets quiet. All you can hear is all of our breathing, minus mine since I am trying to eliminate all ways that could show I am moving, including breathing.

"If you think this little act is going to make me chose you over Syrus to be the alpha, the you're dead wrong. You cannot talk about your brother......"

"He's just a stupid idiot with ADHD, that you weren't even planning on telling him he had. That's why he acts the way he does, because he's mentally stupid!" Sean yells back, interrupting Papa. My breathing hitches as I hear what he is saying.

I have ADHD,  and no one was going to tell me. That's why I act so stupid. That's why no one likes me, because im sick.

Everyone is suddenly yelling. Papa is yelling at Sean, Daddy is yelling at Savanna and Syrus to get out of the room, but I'm just standing there.

No one here wants me. They only take care of me because they think that they have to, because I have a disability. They don't want me around, they just think they are obligated to take care of me because we share DNA. I guess I'll put them out of their misery.

Without much thinking I turn and run out of the room. Ignoring Papa's calls to come back. He didn't really want me, he only felt bad for me.

I run out of the house, ignoring everything except for the burning pain in my chest. I let my emotions run wild and I shift letting Star take over, and run away from the pack that never really wanted me, that only kept me around because they felt pity for me.

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