Chapter Thirty-Five

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I wake up to the feeling of small pecks being littered down my neck. I front from the feeling before I turn over and see Lawson sitting next to me and bent at the waist so he could reach my vulnerable neck. The mark still throbs slightly, but it send pleasurable feelings instead of pain. It is a constant reminder of what happened last night.

“Hi Kitty.” I say softly as I reach over and lay my hand down of his thigh. His naked thigh, actually, his naked body. I blush as I look down at where my hand is before looking back up to Lawson's face. Lawson smirks down at me, but I can tell that he knows I'm not ready to go again, not after last night how he woke me up every two hours to fulfill his needs, not that I am complaining, he more than fulfilled mine too.

“Hey Baby.” Lawson's face softens some as he shuffles back down in the bed so we are face to face, he reaches forward and joins our lips together softly. My eyes flutter closed for a second before opening when his lips leave mine. The kiss leaves me feeling dreamy, it might also be due to the fact that I have only gotten a few hours of sleep and I have been very active the past day.

“What do we have to do today?” I ask. My words slurred together as I am so tired, and my eyes keep wanting to flicker shut. Lawson chuckles at me before placing one of his big hands on my cheek before kissing me again, sending me into another euphoric daze.

“You are going to sleep for another few hours while I sit in bed with you and transition between watching you and doing some paperwork that I have been putting off. After lunchtime we are going to go do something with your family, they've been asking to go out and do something as a group so we could all get to know each other. If you aren't up for it today though we can do it tomorrow or whenever we can.” Lawson quickly assures me when he saw my grimace when he mentioned doing something with my family.

I really wanted to see them all, after being gone for so long, but I'm still incredible sore, and I know I'm going to get crap from Savanna as soon as they smell mine and Lawson's entangled scent.

“No, I'm just kind of sore, but if I get a little more sleep I might feel better, and it might help if I am moving around instead of laying in bed all day.” Lawson gives me one of his dimpled smiles that he leaves just for me, before nodding and reaching over for his laptop he had on the side table as we talked, he must have been on it when I was sleeping and noticed when I started to wake up.

“Go to sleep babe, then afterwards we will see how you are feeling.” My eyes drift shut and I barely hear the rest of his sentence as I fall into dreamland.


When I wake up I feel a lot better. I don't feel as if I am about to crash at any second and I'm not as sore. I know if I get up and moving I'll feel a lot better. I look at the clock and see it is just after noon. Lawson must be out making something for the both of us to eat because I am the only one in the bed.

I get up and stretch a little, not really caring about being naked since I know no one would be in here with or without Lawson's permission. I don't think antone is going to be allowed in here is I'm in here, especially if he left me in here naked.

I hum a tune to myself, one that has been stuck in my head for a while and I have been planning some time to be able to try it out in the piano. I can feel my fingers itch to be able to touch the white and black keys. I hurry with my shower so that I will have some time to sneak away to my old room and play on the piano in there before Lawson comes back with lunch.

I feel as if it has been forever since I have been able to play the piano, with everything going on between me and Lawson, and my family and then Rachel to add to all things. I just haven't been able to have enough time for the instrument that I love.

I barely wince when my hands skim across my sensitive hole, so I know that I will be fine to walk around with my family for a little bit tonight. I'm still nervous about what everyone is going to say when they smell my now changed scent, Savanna will no doubt tease me about it, Daddy will probably cry, and I don't know about Papa, which scares me. My brothers probably won't care too much seeing as they knew that Lawson and I would be mating soon unlike my oblivious fathers and younger sister.

I run out of the rom half wet with only a pair of boxer briefs on and one of Lawson's shirts that fits almost as a dress. I know I am going to have to face my family soon, but first I want to be able to calm down and relax over the piano first.

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