Chapter Five

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I don't know how long I have been running for, but I know I have to stop. If I don't, I'll pass out from exhaustion.

I feel a strange pop as I make my way through the woods, I ignore it and look for a tree that I could lay against, to try and calm myself down.

I see the perfect tree and shift back into my human form, Star going deep in my body, sleeping in his exhaustion. My eyes flutter as I lean against the tree, and suddenly everything hits ms.

They never wanted me.

They felt pity for me.

I have no one.

I feel tears begin to fall dowm my cheeks, the hot tears creating tear tracks on my face. I could care less how I look right now, I just miss Papa's strong hands wiping away my.... No. I can't think about him. He was in on it, he was in on their plan to just take care of me, to pretend that they care. He doesn't really care, no one would care about someone like me, someone mentally ill.

Sean is right. They babied me. I ca5nt let anyone do that to me anymore. I'm not a baby. I'll prove to everyone that I can be strong, that I can be equal to an Alpha.

Right after I stop drowning in my self-pity, I tell myself.

I lean my head back on the tree and open my eyes, realizing for the first time that I'm not alone.

Three wolves sit in front of me, they don't seem to be threatening, but they are staring at me with a mix of confusement and wonder. I scoot back closer to tree trunk, whimpering like the little baby I am.

The biggest wolf shifts and quickly crunches in front of me. He has reddish brown hair and blue eyss thay stick out against his pale skin, unusual for a werewolf.

"You don't need to worry little one. We won't hurt You. You passed into our pack lands and wanted to see if you were a threat or not, obviously it doesn't look like you could harm a guilty fly." The man joked as he slowly got close and closer to me. I blush when I noticed he, and the other two wolves have shifted and they are all naked. I look down at my hands so I don't see anything I don't want to see.

"Sorry, you probably don't want to see us naked. Kile, can you hand me one of the shorts." Kile, the one on his left hands him a pair of stretchy shorts which he quickly puts on. He hands me another pair and I embarrassingly realize I have been undressed this whole time.

I slip the shorts on with a blush before I turn my eyes to the tree next to the man's head, so I would have to make eye contact with him after such an embarrassing moment.

"Would you be willing to come back to the pack house, the alpha wants to speak with you. He doesn't want to hurt you, just wants to know what made such a tiny omega run into pack lands crying. Okay?" I nod as I take his outstreach hand and stand up. My legs wobble, but after a few seconds they sturdy themselves.

I follow after the three wolves slowly. I don't know why I agreed to go to the pack so willingly, but I think it has something to do with the delicious shiver that ran down my spine when the man spoke of this alpha. I really can't wait to meet him. I hope he likes me. Sadly, not many people do.

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