Chapter Thirty-Six

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I smile as i write down the lyrics to the song I just wrote. I named it Praying, it has some to do with Daddy’s past, he was passed on from his real parents to his adoptive parents who didn't care about him, and eventually had to learn to fight for himself to become what he is today, and I'm proud of him for that. I want him to know that I love him, and I might not have shown a lot of affection to him or any of my siblings growing up, but I want him to know, for all of them to know, that I love them.

“Sven?” I hear Lawson yell through the house. I smile as I call back to him and turn back to the songbook in front of me. I erase all of the extra lines and write the title neatly on the top of the page. Lawson comes forming through the door, his hair looking as if he ran all of the way here. I smile at him to show I am okay, and he relaxes when he sees that I'm just sitting at the piano. He comes over to where I am sitting and sits down next to me on the small couch I had drug over when I first came in here.

“I went to the room and you weren't in there, I freaked a little.” Lawson admits as he nuzzles his head into my neck. I giggle as I lean away from him.

“I was in here. I had a new song that was itching to come out. I had to get it on paper before I lost it.” I explain as I run my hands over the piano. Lawson reaches out for my song proof, but I smack his hand away. Lawson gives me a pitiful look as he holds his hand against his chest making me laugh at him.

“I want to play it for all of you, my family and Ekon and whoever else wants to listen.” I say ask I wring my hands together. I would need someone to play the drums, the cello, violin, and the bass guitar for me, but I'm sure that Sean can play the drums and do back up singing,  Syrus plays the violin, Papa learned how to play the bass when I first showed interest in music, and Savanna can play the cello for me and sing the song as it would sound better in a female voice. I made this song thinking of the instruments that all of my siblings and Papa can play, something we can all do together for Daddy.

“I think that is a good idea Baby, maybe tonight we could have a pack barbecue and you could play it for the pack? It might be easier than you having to walk around tonight, and it's something that you and your family can do together.” Lawson suggests as he once against goes to nuzzle into my neck, I giggle again but nod nonetheless as I nuzzle back into him.

“I hope you like it, because I think it's one of my best songs I have written so far, I also have some other instruments in it, that we will need to get. A cello, violin, bass guitar, and a drum set.” I say as I lean away so I can grab my songbook. Lawson groans as he see what I am wearing when I stand up. I blush as I look up at him, but I know I am going to have to tell all the participants in this song, otherwise it isn't going to work. Lawson seems to understand what I haven't said and stands up to lead me back to our room, but not without stealing a quick kiss.

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