Chapter Twenty-Three

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“When we get back to the pack house you better tell me everything you told the poor boy. Now he thinks we are his parents, and we aren't, we don't know the kid and what he has been through, I can't believe you.” Lawson’s make my chest hurt. I know he doesn't mean what he is saying and that he is just mad for being left out of the loop, but he needs to learn that not everything is always going to go his way, and this is one of those things that didn't go his way.

Of course Lawson’s way always seems to end with violence, so I'm glad that I was able to direct the ship for once.

“Okay.” I know my voice sounds meek, and Lawson seems to almost say sorry by the look on his face, but then his expression hardens and he walks ahead of me to start talking to Ekon about something.

I know i need to talk to him about my family and everything that has brought me to his pack, but with Miles showing up all of a sudden at the busiest time possible, I don't know if I’m going to be able to have any free time to fell him, especially since he seems mad about the fact that I told Miles that we are his Mommy and Daddy.

“Mommy, is Daddy mad at you for something. Is he mad because of me being here, because if I really need to, then I can leave, I don't want the two of you to break up because of me.” My heart breaks when I see the tears in Miles’ eyes. He knows why Lawson is acting this way, and even though he has felt the little bit of happiness that he bas since he landed in this pack, he os willing to give it all up for our happiness. He is simply the most selfless person I've ever met. With what he said shortly about his previous pack, he wasn't well treated, and even abused and neglected. He deserves the happiness that he can have here, with us.

“No, Sweetheart. I promise that everything will be fine, he was just taken by surprise and didn't know what to do with himself, if you haven't noticed at all, Lawson doesn't like to be taken by surprise, by anyone, even cuties like you.” Miles giggles before ducking his head to hide the blush blooming on his cheeks.

“I can assure you that neither one of us want you to leave. Lawson just needs to get his head out of his butthole.” Miles and i giggle to each other the rest of the way to the pack house, holding hands, which I think only further pushed at Lawson’s temper.

“Miles, why don't you go with Ekon to the store. He said he would be willing to help you find some clothing that you can wear, Sven and I have some things that we need to talk about.” Lawson's  smile is fake, and since I notice it, so can Miles. The bright, giddy smile that was once on Miles face is now gone.

“Oh, okay.” He says sadly before walking to Ekon’s side. Ekon gives me a sympathetic smile before ushering Miles out of the house and to the store. Lawson darts for our room, and I follow hesitantly behind him.

Lawson paces around out room for a few minutes while I watch him from the bed. I know the longer i sit here, the longer he is going to brew and the more intense his anger will be.

“I'm sorry that I said he I could call you Daddy before asking you if it was okay. I mean, it did shock me at first when he first called me Mommy, but I thought it was cute the more he said it, and I thought since we are mates you would want to be his Daddy, but I guess I was wrong. I'll just have to tell Miles that you are going to be his Uncle or something. He might be upset, but he doesn't want to ruin our relationship, so if that's what's got to happen for us to stay together and for him to stay, then I guess……” Lawson shuts up my rambling by placing a short kiss on my lips. When he pulls away his face is still set in stone, but I can see the warmth in his eyes. He is only putting up a front because he didn't want to let himself get hurt.

“It did shock me at first, but then he called you Mommy and it felt right, but how could I feel like he fit into our little family, when we still know only a little about each other. I didn't want us to be tied down already just in case you wanted to travel or something. I don't know if you even want to, we haven't really learned much about each other, and I don't know if that is because I’ve already messed up with you, and I didn't want to do that with him. I didn't want to mess him up. That's why I was angry, I didn't want to ruin anything else, or anything at all.” Lawson’s explanation does make sense to me. We haven't spent a lot of time to just sit and talk to each other about ourselves. If he is so worried about this, I don't get why he never spoke up about it.

“I want to know everything about you, and I want to share everything about me to you, but I want to know why you never brought it up if you've been thinking about it, I wouldn't have been offended if you said something.” I say as I pet down the hair that is sticking up from when he was running his hands through it.

“I was gonna, but then Miles showed up, anz you said you had something to tell me, which I still don't know what is. I just want to be here for you all the time, but I know I have alpha duties and that I can't always be here. It is frustrating.” I frown as I look down at the bex, before suddenly smiling as I think up of an idea.

“How about, for the rest of the time Ekon and Miles are gone, which should be a few hours since the nearest town is half an hour away, we sit here and we talk about ourselves, and I'll tell you what I've been trying to tell you?” Lawson makes a thinking face although the smile now on his face make me assured that he is just messing around.

“I think I would like that a lot.” I lean forward and give Lawson a small kiss before leaning back on the bed and making room for the two of us to lay down side by side.

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