Chapter Two

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I hummed to myself as I played random notes on my piano. I knew that I wasn't going to be able to finish my newest song, Coming Home, until tomorrow, but I still hummed new notes that I thought would be good to go with the theme of the song.

The song came from deep within, I usually write a lot of music when Papa is gone for a long time, which isn't very often, so most of them are dark, and depressing.

I knew that if I told Papa that some of my music I made with the knowledge that I feel alone when he leaves, would tear him apart, so I tell him that I get my ideas by watching weird romanice novel. He mostly believes it, but sometimes he gives me a strange look for a moment before nodding shortly and motioning for me to begin playing. Those are the only times I feel like I have failed Papa, because he knows I'm lying, and is waiting for me to speak up, but I never do. Papa doesn't deserve all of the weight of my problems.

I sigh as I slouch on the small bench made for pianos, which I think is very uncomfortable and it would be better if you just used a spinny chair so you could move back and forth while you are playing.

Papa should be back tomorrow night, I just have to hold on until then, and then he'll be back and I'll feel happy again, because finally someone will understand what I need.

I love Daddy, and Syrus, and Sean, and Savanna, but they don't get me. They never have. I think it happened when I was a baby. I don't really remember much about what happened, but I knew Papa and I somehow clicked, he hasn't told anyone the reason why I was always attached to his hip, or why he allowed it, but I know that from a young age Papa and I clicked. We understood eachother.

I don't feel that with anyone else.

Papa said I will feel a million times better when I meet my mate, but what if I never meet my mate, and what if he doesn't want me? Papa will always want me, he has to. I know I'll always have Papa to lean back on.

I lay down on my bed, staring at the ceiling, and hoping tomorrow night comes quickly so that I can finally feel right again.


I blink away the bright lights out of my eyes. I had accidently left the blinds open from last night, causing me to go blind the second I woke up.

I grumble as I climb out of bed, only to drift right to the piano. While I was sleeping I dreamed about the end of my song, I now know the perfect end to it.

I blink my eyes to rid the blearyness. I look at the clock and see that I have been playing for a solid four hours, I'm surprised that no one came to get me for brealfast, but then again no one really eats breakfast as a family in this family.

I scrunch my nose as I look at my finished piece. I know should be proud of myseld, two new pieces on three days but all I can see are the flaws, the negative words that people could say that could hurt me. I think about the look on someone's face, disgust, because of something I made.

I stand up and grab the sheet music, now filled to the brim with notes. I hastily shove it into my folder, wanting to hide it from any prying eyes. When I am assured that it is hidden deep enough in the papers, only then do I leave my room to go and eat.

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