Chapter Fourteen

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The party didn't seem fun anymore. I was hoping that I could meet some nice people and make some new friends since it gets pretty lonely being by myself for a lot of the time, but no one seemed interested to talk to me. It also could have been because they were scared of coming up to me because I was stuck to Lawson's side the rest of the night.

It was almost time to go to bed when Lawson said he had to run and do something quick. He was gone before i could ask what it was, but then I was all alone for the second time that night. This time i knew it would be better to keep to myself and people watch.

I was watching a couple and the way they interacted with eachother when I heard the conversation with the men next to me.

"Yeah, apparently his son ran away and they can't find him. I assume he'll be in town in the in next week asking the Alpha for some help finding him. I know if i was him I would be scared shitless with the amount of rouge sightings lately. I know if Max were to ever run away like that I would first be angry, then I would probably cry. I dont think i would be able to handle that. I know he has his mate and other children, but i heard that they were pretty close. I know if I was to lose Max, I wouldn't have anything to love for anymore." My heart breaks farther with every word that i hear. I know deep down in me that papa loves me. That my whole family loves me. But hearing those words come out of my brothers mouth made me realize that I can't be like I was anymore. I needed to grow up without being coddled. I needed to find out what i wanted to be when i was older. I needed to find myself.

Of course I found more than I was bargaining for, finding Lawson. I always feared that I would be alone. I guess that is a fear of any wolf, but I know now that I never would have been alone. I know Papa and Daddy would have stayed by my side. I know that I would have had my siblings one call away, i just needed space to realize that. I needed space to grow up to realize that.

I understand now why Sean got so angry at me. Looking back at it I realize that I was babied. Papa treated ms different than he did my other siblings. He treated me like i was his prized possession. I knew that my siblings must have been jealous. I know that now.

I know.

Maybe, in a few days, whenever my father gets here, I'll be able to come to terms with what Sean said, and change myself for the better.

No longer will i be the younger brother who gets babied and given anything he ever wants and more, now I'll be the young boy who knows what he wants in life and works for it.

I'll just need Lawson to be by my side in all of this, but with the way he has defended me already, I dont think I'll have to worry about him leaving me behind in his dust. I know he'll pull my along when I get tired. I know he'll drag me behind him when my feet start dragging. I know he is going to be the reason that I become what I want to be. I know that he, will be what fixes me.

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