Chapter Thirty-Three

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“Am I good enough for you?” I ask Lawson shyly after we had finished our short cuddle session. Lawson freezes where he is and turns to look at me over his shoulder. I watch as his muscle tense more, as if he is getting ready to fight someone, and his body is suddenly flying over the bed and la ring on top of mine. I gasp in shock and try to push him off of me.

“Who told you you weren't enough? I'll kill them, I'll kill anyone who even mutters a word of disdain in your direction.” Lawson's words shock me more then when he flew over the whole bed and la died perfectly on top of me and not squishing me in the process.

“No one, I just, want to know that, I'm enough. I know sometimes that I can act pretty stupid and too innocent for my own good, and I just want to make sure that you won't leave me. I don't want to love you, if you don't love me back.” I confess to Lawson, not looking him in the eyes knowing he is going to either have an emotion showing that I won't like, or one that is going to make me feel like crap for even asking. It feels a million times better to get the words off of my chest, but that doesn't mean I am not afraid of the answer.

“Sven, look at me, look in my eyes as I talk to you.” I notice that Lawson is using some of his Alpha command to make me look at him. It doesn't work too well on me, I haven't mated with him yet, so I don't feel the pack bond as much as I would with my family, but I obey him with my own want and need to understand my place here, with him.

I look up into Lawson's eyes, and they are serious, I knew that before I could even muster up to ask the question, I knew that this would be a serious conversation, but I knew that he would have more emotions hiding below the seriousness.

To everyone else, Lawson is extremely good at hiding his emotions, but if you knew him on a level like I do, then you would realize that he doesn't hide his emotions far away, they are always just behind the first layer of emotion that he is always showing, usually he has a blank mask on when he is talking to others in the pack, but I am able to see the interest in his eyes, the fury, the acceptance. Every emotion he hides, I see.

“I love you Sven, I love you so much. Not because you are my mate, but because of the person you are. I was so lucky to get you as my mate, if you weren't, you might not have been drawn here, to me. I feel in love with you, not with the idea that you are my mate. I won't ever need anyone else, beside you. Someday we will start a family, and I want you to know it's not because just the two of us together aren't enough, but because you are enough, that I think we would be able to bring a baby in this world and be able to take care of it. You are my forever, baby. I won't ever let you go.” I feel tears begin to bloom in my eyes. Lawson isn't big on showing his emotions, but when we do have these small moments, they make me remember why I love him so much.

“I love you too.” I whisper as I look at him through my eyelashes. Lawson smiles widely at me before leaning down and dominating my lips.

I moan into the kiss as I close my eyes and surrender to the sparks traveling through where our bodies are touching, which is everywhere. I've learned that Lawson likes touching as much as my body as he can with his, I don't complain seeing as I love when he does it.

“Sven, I want you. Are you ready to come completely mine?” Lawson whispers after he kissed a trail to my ear. I pant as I grip onto his back, my nails breaking into the tough skin. I nod into his neck and I grip onto his back. Lawson pulls back to look into my eyes, causing me to groan in disappointed that that he had pulled away.

“I want words, Sven. You have to tell me that you want it.” Lawson demands as his hands run down my chest. I moan from the feeling and my eyes flicker shut in pleasure.

“Yes, I want you.”

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