Chapter Twelve

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"Most of the pack members have been told of your arrival, and only a select few have been told about your mating with Lawson. Most of them might seem intimidating since they will be seeing if you are fit to be in the pack, don't mind them any, they are probably just worried about menial things. They probably won't talk to you if they really dont want to, but I'm not saying this to tell you everyone in this pack is rude, but no one knows what to expect, so they might just sit back and wait until Lawson tells them how to act, which is going to be a surprise to all of the ones who dont know about you being Lawson's mate." I try to follow what Ekon is saying, but he is speaking a mile a minute and I'm not sure I completely caught everything he said. I hope I wont be in trouble for not listening once again, but i dont think someone as carefree as Ekon would really care, if it was Lawson I'm the other hand, I'm not entirely sure what would happen.

"Okay, umm, what should i do? Just walk around and hope someone is brave enough to come talk to little me?" I ask sarcastically, trying out the new me I want to be. Ekon seems shocked by me but quickly recovers.

"Yeah. I need to talk to Lawson a little but before he begins his announcement. I wish that I could come around and shadow you, maybe make you feel a little more comfortable, but I really need to talk to him. Will you be okay if i leave you alone to the vultures?" I giggle before nodding up at Ekon. How bad could it really be?

"Alright, I'll be back soon. Don't wander into the woods. I don't know if Lawson wanted to show you around out here later or not, and be careful." I frown as hs runs off into the thick crowd. Why would I need to be careful?

I look around for a few seconds before seeing a group of teenagers a few yards away fron me. They seem to be a good place to start.

"Hello?" I ask, it coming out more like a question, as I stand behind one of the girls of the group. She turns around and gives me the falwsy smile i habe ever seen.

"Is there anything we can help with?" I can hear more than see the smirk that wants to take over her lips that are heavily applied with lipstick. I want to cringe away from the link gloss, but know that I can't show fear.

"I'm Sven, the new guy planning on joining your pack, just wanted to say hello, and that I'm glad that you are all letting me stay." The girl looks over at all of her friends, covering her mouth as if she is about to puke. She turns back to me and I see she is just over exaggerating and is pretending to hold in her laughter.

"Yeah, well, nice to meet you Sven, but if you could leave, we would all appreciate it." I bite my lip, the way she said my name it almost seemed as if I did something to make her uncomfortable.

"Okay..." I say quietly while turning around and deciding that i have used up the little courage I had in me to go up to the group, only to get shoot down, and now I am down trying to start conversations with people until Ekon comes back. If a person comes and starts talking to me, I will respond, but as little as I have too.

I look around the crowd, people watching. It's one of my favorite things to do while I am in a crowd. Observe people and the way theu interact with others.

My eyes latch onto messy black hair, watching the hair peak above everyone else's heads. My eyes lower a little and I see those blue eyes I have wanted to see since the second I sat down in my new room.

A smirk was on Lawson's lips as he listened to what Ekon was saying next to him. Ekon didn't seem as amused as Lawson was because his arms are flailing all over the place as he seems to try and get his point across to Lawson. I giggle at the two men, basically night and day.

Lawson's head snaps up at me giggle and our eyes meet. I blush as I look down, but the smile never leaves my lips. For a second I think i see a smile start to stretch across Lawson's lips, but then my sight of Lawson is cut off my a girl with blonde hair and heavily applied lip gloss.

Immediately my smile turns into a frown when I see she is talking ti Lawson, putting her hand on Lawson. Touching my mate.

Star begins to whimper inside of me, but I continue to watch silently to see what Lawson does to get rid of thr vermin that had latched onto him.

"Lawson, I've been really lonely lately. You should come visit again when you have the time, preferably soon, though, my bed gets cold when you aren't in it." I feel my whole face drop in shock and sadness when I hear the blonde's words.

Lawson stares down at her in indifference, but doesn't seem to deny her claim. I knew a man that looked like him wouldn't have been a virgin, but it's sad to know that he would frequently warm a wolves bed. A girl, at that.

"I'm not really interested. Sorry, I have better things that I need to attend to." Lawson walks around her and heads toward me. His gaze is dark as his eyes connect with mine. Blondie seems just as surprised as I am that he didn't take up her offer.

My eyes flick everywhere besides the towering man bearing down on ms. I dont want to see the rejection in his eyes. He could have had anyone, but he was stuck with me.

Rough hands grab my cheeks, causing me to look up. Lawson stares down at me with a decisive look before he seems to come to an agreement. His head swoops down and places a sloppy kiss on my lips. When he pulls away I fill his spot on my lips, the breeze making them feel cool.

"Everyone!" Lawson calls as he turns around. His hand slinks around my waist and pulls me into his side. "I wanted to make a special announcment. This is Sven, and he is my mate." The whole crowd is silent, only being broken when Ekon begins to clap, causing everyone else to clap. Lawson nods to everyone before turning and pulling me with him and into the house. I turn around and look seeing the look on Blondie's face, I think it would have been better to have not introduced myself to them.

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