Chapter Fifteen

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Lawson refused to let me sleep alone. I told him it was fine, that he didn't need to worry about me and that I could sleep by myself, obviously I was lying. I just didn't want to seem clingy and like a baby. Of course my refusal didn't seem to phase Lawson seeing as I am currently laying in his bed waiting for him to join me.

He had to get dressed in his sleep clothes before he would come into bed. It made my heart fill with relief knowing that I wasn't expected to sleep with him while he was naked. I don't know if I am ready to take that step with him yet.

It is only a few minutes before Lawson is changed and finally leaves the bathroom, but my eyes are slowly starting to drift closed. I don't know much of what happened right before I feel alseep, but I did feel my body gently get pulled against a hard body before I feel asleep.


I woke up to the sound of purring. Almost like a cat, but of course I knew there was no way that there was a cat anywhere nearby, Lawson would not stand for a cat to be around him.

I push myself up slightly onto to get slammed back down into the hard chest I had fallen asleep on the night before. The purring turned up a notch in noise level when my body once again connected with the one underneath me.

Is that Lawson? Is he purring underneath me? Like a cat?

I look down, and sure enough, Lawson is laying underneath me and I can feel the vibrations in his chest from him purring. This is priceless, the big bad wolf is purring like a cat.

This goes on for another few minutes before Lawson suddenly wakes up almost as if he had a bad dream. He sees me staring down at him with a wide smile and amusement in my eyes, causing his to narrow in suspicion.

"Why are you looking at me like that? Whay did you do to my face?" I giggle down at Lawson before trying to squirm out of his arms. Lawson only clamps his arms tighter around my waist before flipping hs over.

"Im not letting you go until you tell me why you had that huge grin on you face when i woke up." Lawson growls down at me causing me to giggle again. He doesn't scare me anymore how that I know he purrs, that I made him purr.

"You were purring like a kitty. That's what I'm going to call you from now on, Kitty, just like the girl from Monsters Inc called Sullivan Kitty. You are my big Kitty." I giggle again from the look on Lawson's voice. Partly disbelief, but also warmth spreading through his eyes as he looked down at me.

"Well, what do you suggest me calling you then?" Lawson asked as he sat up and pulled me into his lap. I blush but shrug my shoulders as I look up at him.

"I don't know, you have to decide. I found my nickname for you, now you need to find one for me." I giggle as I break free from his hold and jump off of the bed. I run to the bathroom amd lock the door so that I could go to the bathroom in peace.

"Just you wait, I'll find a nickname that will make your socks blow right off of you." Lawson calls through the door causing me to giggle again. I quickly wash my hands before opening the door and throwing myself at Lawson.

"You better wait until I get my socks on, Kitty." Lawson looks at me for a second before smiling down at me, a full blown smile that almost makes me faint from the beauty resonating from it. No wonder he has so many people kissing his feet.

"I want to show you something today. Go get dressed and meet me in the kitchen when you are ready." Lawson pushes me away from him before entering the bathroom. I look at the door for a second before following his order and going to my room to get dressed wondering what he could possibly want to show me.

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