Chapter Twenty-Five

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Today is the day that my family is set to arrive. I haven't had time to be nervous because Miles has been taking up most of my time. I didn't know that children could be so needy, was i needy when i was his age? Am i still needy? I hope not, other wise i have a lot more to apologize to my parents for.

“Alpha, Alpha Silas is arriving along with the members of his pack.” Lawson turns and acknowledges the man before turning to look at Miles and Me.

“Miles, i want you to stay with Ekon while Sven and I talk to Silas.” Miles goes to argue but one look from Lawson has him shutting his mouth and turning to hide his face in my neck.

“Yes, Daddy.” I give Lawson a look that clearly shows that he should have been mean to Miles like that, and Lawson only sighs before hauling us both up and wrapping an arm around us each.

Miles is giggling again as we walk down the hall, and when he sees Ekon he runs over to him and grabs his hand. He turns back to wave at Lawson and I before him and Ekon disappear outside.

“Are you ready for this?” Lawson asks quietly as he holds both of my hands on his. I look up at him and smile before nodding.

“I love my family, and I think we've all suffered enough as it is. I'm ready.” Lawson smiles down at me proudly before leaning down and pecking me on my lips, but if of course it's right as Papa and Daddy walk through the doors.

We both break apart quickly as we turn and look at Papa, who is staring at the both of us in disbelief. Daddy is standing behind him looking straight at me with tears in his eyes.

“What the hell are you doing with my son, you mutt? You lie to me saying you don't know where he is, then have the audacity to invite us to your pack and shove him in our faces.” Papa seethes as he drops his bag and begins to stalk forward to where the two of us are standing.

I know that if I don't say or do anything that will break him out of whatever trance he is in, that Lawson might he on the receiving end of a well thrown punch. So, I launch forward and wrap my arms around Papa’s waist. Stopping him where he is at. Papa freezes as his arms hover over my body.

“I'm sorry, Papa. I love you and I'm sorry for running away. I know now that I overreacted and that none of you deserved the pain i put you through, and before you attack my mate, I just want to make it known that I just told him that I'm your son yesterday, and that I wanted this to be a surprise, so i made him promise not to tell you beforehand.” Papa stares at me as i silently pant into his chest, saying all of that in one breath was a close squeeze.

Suddenly Daddy let's out a sob from behind Papa and rushes forward and pulls the two of us into his arms, squeezing us harder than I thought was normal or possible for him. Papa’s arms come down and squeeze both of us, causing both of our feet to lift off of the ground. We laugh as we continue to hug each other. Papa holding back the tears i know he is almost letting out, and Daddy not having any shame in letting his tears go.

Eventually we am to pull away from each other, whipping away any tears that remain and smiling crazily at each other. All of us are surprised when Papa goes over and gives Lawson a very tight hug and mutters the words ‘thank you for taking care of my baby’. Of course I whined that I wasn't a baby, which everyone laughed at.

“Sven?” I turn around to see Sean standing in the doorway. Syrus and Savanna standing next to him, all of their mouths open in shock as they stare at me.

“Hi.” I wave at all of them. Syrus and Savanna come and tackle me in hug, saying it hasn't been the same without me and that I am never allowed to leave them ever again. We all giggle together, but I realize that Sean still hasn't joined out hug. I pull back and look at the door where Sean is staring at his feet sadly. I grin as I run and tackle him into his own hug, watching as his face lights up when he realizes it's me.

We hug for a long time, holding each other and saying sorry for the things we didn't mean. Saying we're family, and family never leaves Family. Somehow, the hug repairs our relationship when words never could.

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