Chapter Twenty-Six

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“We've all missed you so much. You have to tell us what had been going on. You have a mate now! That's amazing, and an alpha at that.” Daddy whispers in my ear once all of us make our way out of the entry way. I blush as i look down at the floor before giving Daddy a mild glare. Of course he only giggles before running forward to catch up with Papa.

I roll my eyes but hurry forward to get next to Lawson before grabbing his hand. He turns to give me a smile before continuing the conversation with Sean about something with the pack.

I'm content just to walk next to him and watch as my family interacts with the other members of the pack. Sean does seem nervous still, but he wouldn't let that stop him from asking all the questions he can.

“How do you deal with the pack when you need to go away and you need your beta with you? Who gets put in charge then?” Sean asks as he looks over at Lawson with a small concentrated frown on his face. Lawson smiles at his questions before answering.

“Usually it goes to my head warrior if both of us have to go, but usually I prefer to leave Ekon here and take my head warrior with me. Of course there are those instances that your beta does need to be there, but you always find a way to keep the pack going.” Sean nods as he thinks to himself. Lawson turns to me and gives me a small wink before pulling me closer to his side.

“You guys are so cute. You guys are definitely goals.” Savanna squeals as she runs past us and into the living room where Ekon and Miles are sitting.

“Hello. I'm Ekon, the beta of the pack. It's a pleasure to meet the Luna’s family.” Ekon has put on all of the charm and is giving everyone a smiles that could potential drop some panties, and judging by Savanna’s dumbfounded expression, her’s are just about to fall.

“It's nice to meet you too, Ekon.” Savanna said breathlessly as she walks, more like floats, over to where Ekon stands and hold her hand out for a handshake. Ekon smirks at her but grabs her hand and pull it up to his lips and gives her a short kiss on her hand on greeting.

Lawson rolls his eyes as he slaps the back of Ekon’s head lightly before sitting down on the other couch and pulling me down next to him. Syrus and Sean also manage to find room on the couch with us, Papa and Daddy sit on the loveseat, and Savanna of course joins Miles and Ekon on the other couch.

“Mommy, Daddy?” Miles whisper shouts to Lawson and I. Lawson smirks at me as i pale. “Yes, Miles?” I ask in a controlled voice, but on the inside I'm freaking out. We still haven't told my parents about the whole we have a pup, but he isn't really our pup, but we took him in because he was too cute to let go.

“Did you tell them yet?” He whisper tells again as he scoots closer to us. Lawson smiles as he shakes his head silently. Miles’ mouth opens before he nods and he sits back in his seat quietly looking between us and my parents.

“Well, If you guys haven't heard yet, Lawson and I have adopted Miles into our home. He stumbled into the pack much like i did, and he was too cute to pass up. Plus he makes Lawson go into super teddy bear mode, so it was a bonus.” Lawson fake glares at me before Daddy squeals.

“I finally have a grandbaby. I'm just surprised that you were the first one to have a kid. I thought it would have been Savanna honestly.” Everyone laughs at the look of indignation on Savanna’s face from Daddy’s words.

It was another few minutes that we could forget the bad times, and make new memories, memories that will overcome the bad without them having to be forgotten.

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