Chapter Thirty

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“What has you all upset? Are you seriously mad that I took Miles out with me to the stores? I didn't know it would make you mad if I did.” Savanna finally asks as she puts down the new dress she just bought that she was showing me. Her and Miles had been giving me a fashion show, Miles is currently in the bathroom changing into a new outfit, like the tenth - Savanna had spoiled him way too much, so Savanna must have thought it was safe to finally speak up.

“It's not that, I'm happy that you are all getting along. It's wonderful even. I want you guys to all love each other because I love all of you, and….” I sigh as I look down at the bed, messing the with comforter i have squished in my trembling hand.

“Sven, if something is going on, you need to tell someone. I don't want you going off the deep end again. Are you starting to feel like you did, before. Like, when you lived with us?” Savanna asks hesitantly as she places her hand softly on top of one of my knees.

If it was any other time I probably would have shied out of her touch, but I was too preoccupied with my thoughts to even care that she was touching me.

“Do you think that Lawson is going to leave me?” I blurt out quickly as I look up at Savanna with a horrified expression. I'm surprised with myself that I was even able to say anything about what I had been thinking. I was usually pretty good at keeping my emotions at bay.

“What! Sven, what are you even talking about? Lawson loves you, he would never leave you. Who made you think that?” Savanna demands as she practically crawls into my lap in anger. I blush as I push he shoulder softly so she gets the hint that she has breached my personal bubble. Savanna moves back quickly, but her angry expression doesn't leave her face.

“I'm serious, Sven. If someone has been lying to you about crappy stuff like that I was to know who. It's not fair to you or Lawson about the stuff this person is saying. I just want to, actually, come here.” My eyes widen into golf balls as Savanna grabs my wrist and drags me out of the room. I want to stop her,  up I honestly don't know what I am stopping her from.

“You are going to show me exactly why has been telling you this crap and I'm going to rip this bitch a new one. If you are too nervous to ask Lawson or tell Lawson about this stuff, don't worry, because I'm okay with beating a bitch for my brother.” Savanna spits out in rage as she continues to drag me around the pack house.

“Please, Savanna! Pretend like I didn't say anything. If you do something, Lawson is going to find out either way.” I plead as I try and pull back from her death grip. Savanna only tightens her hold and it hurts slightly, but I am too afraid to tell her in fear that she will only bark at me in response.

We finally make it to try living room and I am surprised by the amount of people in the room. I've never seen this many people in here before at one time.

“Now point at the bitch arm I'll go fetch.” I turn my wide eyes to Savanna slitted ones. I know that there isn't any way that I could get out of this, so I search the room for Blondie, and when I finally find her I point her out to Savanna. Savanna takes off and I can only hope that I didn't make a colossal mistake.

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