Chapter Twenty

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Lawson seemed like he didnt want to leave, that he wanted to stay and see what I was going to stay. I could tell him to stay though, no matter how much i wanted him to, he needed to take care of his pack and he couldn't do that in here as we have a talk when a wolf out there could be killing innocent pups.

Lawson sighs but he is quickly up and following Ekon out od the room and through thr maze of a house and into the clearing in rhe woods where i was close to when I was found. Of course i know all of this because i followed them out into the woods.

Lawson sniffed thr air in his wolf form before spinning around and growling at me. I was hiding behind a tree and I was hoping that the excitement would tramp out there other sense and cause them not to notice me, but I guess i was only wistfully thinking.

I sigh ad I walk out from behind the tree and stand close to Lawson's big wolf. This is the first time I've ever seen Lawson's wolf and he is simply breathtaking. Dark red fur covers most of his body besides his fear which are a dark brown color. His eyes are black as he growl at me. I roll my eyes at him but climb onto his back when he using his head to gesture me to do it.

I get on just as a wolf skids into the clearing and whimpers when it sees all the people in the clearing. I jave barely enough time before Lawson has his face near the ground and his butt up in the air, almost causing me to tumble off of his back and right in front of his large and sharp teeth.

The wolf seems to be small, maybe a young teenager, most likely a boy, since the legs seem so long compared to it's body like all other normal male wolves I've seen at the age I'm guessing this wolf is at. The wolf's fur it is a creamy white with gray patches scattered around his body, it's electric blue eyes stand out against it's fur, mainly because they are clouded woth fear.

The wolf cowered down on the ground in fear and rolled over so he was on his stomach. Lawson lumbered forward with me still on his back. I had to hold in the giggles that I wanted to let free at the feeling of riding his back like you would a horse.

Lawson shifted suddenly but his arms came behind him onto my hips to support me on his back while I flailed to wrap my arms around his neck so I don't fall to the ground.

“Shift! Now!” Lawson demands as he growls at the poor little wolf. I felt bad for him, knowing what it's like to be in his position. I was lucky to be caught by Elon instead of Lawson, if Lawson was the one to find me, I probably would have peed myself from his demanding words, but now, all i feel is a tingly feeling in the pit of my stomach that Lawson said was lust, I still don't know quite what it means, but I believe hI'm.  

Slowly and painfully the wolf begins to shift back to its human form. I reach over and grab a pair of shorts, since I know how embarrassed I was when I had to stand in front of the warriors naked.

Like I guessed, a boy, maybe fourteen or so, if laying on the ground in the middle of the circle surrounding him, tears are running down his face and it makes my heart break. No way is this boy harmful to the pack, what would he do? Drown us with his tears?   

I step forward to give the kid the shorts, but Lawson grabs my arm and yanks me back to his side. I stumble as I regain my balance before glaring at Lawson.

“What was that for, Kitty? I want to give him the shorts so he feels more comfortable.” I pout slightly as I look up at Lawson. Lawson growls lowly when a few of the warriors giggle from the nickname I gave him, I hold in my own giggles, knowing that it is kind of funny calling the alpha a cat.

“He could be dangerous, I don't want you getting hurt while I'm standing two feet away from you.” Lawson grumbles as he tightens the hold on my wrist. I roll my eyes before jerking free of his hold.

“He's not a day over fifteen, weighs less then a hundred pounds, and is terrified. If I was him, I would at least want a pair of shorts to at least feel a semblance of being safe.” I is a quietly as I walk over to the quiet sniffling boy. He flinched away from Mr and puts his hands back as if he is going to crawl away, but he must realize I can do less damage to him then the rest of the men surrounding him.

“Hey, it's okay. Here are some shorts for you to wear, I'm sure you aren't comfortable naked around all of us.” I say softly as i hold out the cotton shorts to the boy. He sniffles again before facing out with a shaking hand am grab the shorts from me. He looks at them and blushes before look back and me.

“I know they are probably too big, but it's no biggie. It's got strings in it so you can tighten them.” I say happily as I pull on one of the strings hanging out of the pants. The boy flinches before looking at me and talking. His french accent is thick, almost as if he just loved here the day before from france.

“I don't know how to put the shorts on. Will you help me?” He asks shyly as he holds the shorts back out to me. My heart melts when I see the confused look on his little face. I nod as I drop to my knees and begin to pull the shorts up his legs and snuggly over his hips. I lay his hips when I'm done, ignoring his flinch and going back to Lawson’s side.

Lawson nods to one of the warriors closest to the boy, the warrior nods back at him before advancing to the boy. The boy whimpers before he is suddenly back in his wolf form and curled around my legs with his tail in between his legs. Lawson growls but I swat at him.

“He trusts me, not you. I can talk to him, alone, see what he knows.” I say quietly as I reach down and scratch the boys nuzzle next to my thigh. He lets out a purr, just like Lawson. Lawson glares down at me and goes to open his mouth, most likely to disagree with me about something.

“I promise that if he does anything I'll scream for you, but don't be listening in to our conversation, I want him to feel safe. Please?” Lawson sighs before nodding once. All of the warriors seem confused but follow their alpha out of the clearing and leaving me and the wolf alone.

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