Chapter Twenty-Nine

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Of course happiness doesn't last long, and soon the night ends and we all head off to bed. The night, was okay, I mean I was sleeping the whole time, but the next day, Lawson had my parents busy with something and Sean and Syrus joined in with what they were doing, Savanna took Miles to go shopping, and Ekon was also with Lawson.

Essentially I was by myself, and I guess that was enough motive for her to try and ruin my life, again.

“What's the slut still doing here? I thought Lawson would have let you leave already. I mean, we all know you are just using him for your own benefit.” Blondie sneers as she walks into the living area. I simply only give her a brief look before going back to the show I was watching on tv, something show called teen wolf and I can't help but laugh at.

“What? Are you going to ignore me? I don't think that that is going to be okay.” Blonde walks over to me and grabs my chin and forces my head in her direction so I am able to look directly into her eyes.

“I was hoping you could go away. If you annoy a fly long enough, it'll eventually leave you alone.” Blondie seems horrified that I just basically an annoying fly that you wish you could catch so you can kill it.

“What did you just call me, you little slut? If Lawson heard the way you were talking about me, his real mate, then I'm sure that being a rogue is the least of your worries. When Lawson hears about this I'm sure he isn't going to let you leave with every hair on your slutty little head.” I frown at Blondie before rolling my eyes.

“One, you are completely crazy, two, I'm not a slut - I've never even had sex before, and three, if Lawson was your mate I would kindly back up and let you have him, but you're not, so I won't back off because I'm not going to let you get your sluttiness all over my man.” I stand up and push Blondie away from me, happy that I was able to put her in her place.

Of course, as always, I've said something to soon.

“What's gonna happen when Daddy wants to bring you home? Are you going to leave your mate here, or are you going to leave your family? Lawson wouldn't make you chose, if he loves you, he would let you go, and I'm going to be right here to catch him as he falls. He won't be able to deny me when his own mate leaves him. He wouldn't even have anymore standards.” Blondie sneers in my face before pushing away and walking to the exit to the room. My heart hurts from her words, because I know they are true, but I'm able to get out a few more words before she leaves.

“Well, if he doesn't have anymore standards then you're right, you might have a chance to get him into bed, if he was also blind that is, and deaf, and didn't have anymore feeling in his body, and-”

Blondie cuts me off with a ear piercing screech as she runs from the room. I would smile at my triumph, knowing months before I would have let someone like her walk all over me, but I can't help but think about what she said.

Would Lawson really let me go? Would he make me leave? I don't know what to think, but I know I will be mulling over this for a long time. It also doesn't help that I'm alone, in silence, by myself.

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