Chapter Thirty-One

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I watch as Savanna finally makes it to the group that Blondie is talking to, I know that this is going to end horribly, I saw the look on Savanna’s face, it was the look she gives when someone has stolen her makeup and she wants to know who and why.

“Hello, I'm Savanna, it's nice it meet all of you, my Dads are the alphas of the pack that is staying here with you for the next few days. I thought that maybe I would get to know some people while I was here.” All of the boys seem interested in Savanna right away and I scowl at the way they look directly at her chest and not her face, seriously guys, be any more obvious?

“Nice to meet you too, Sugar.” One of the guy says sensually as he puts his hand on top of Savanna’s shoulder. I roll my eyes as Savanna seems to preen at the attention, but then it seems as if her whole demeanor changes when she sees Blondie looking her way with a scowl.

“Who are you?” She asks sweetly,  it you could tell it's obviously fake. Blondie raises one of her eyebrows since she had obviously heard the devious tone in Savanna’s voice, all of the boys seem to still be staring at Savanna’s chest, and not realizing what is going on.

“I'm Rachel, I guess it's nice to have you here with us.” Blondie, or Rachel I guess,(don't know if I already gave her a name, sorry) says as she gives Savanna one of those two fingered waves that are reserved only for bitches to use.

“Well, it's not really nice to meet you.” All of the boys seem to finally realize something else is going on between the two glaring girls adj back up a few steps, of course though, their gaze flickers back and forth between Rachel, Savanna, and someone's chest. I roll my eyes once again at their antics, I'm glad that I never really found an interest in girls, they are so obvious when they are trying to stare at a girls boobs.

“Why is that, bitch?” All, of the boys make ohh sounds as they punch each other in the shoulders. I'm amazed by how they are reacting, maybe I should tell Lawson that he needs to beat his boys into better shape.

Savanna doesn't seem to take offense from Rachel's words and only smirks at her in a way that Savanna can. It shows she is obviously enjoying this, something is up her sleeve, and she knows she is going to win. She has shown me that smirk multiple times before, and I know if she is confident enough to wear it, then she is comfortable enough to know she is going to win this battle.

“Really original, but I am here to talk about the way you are bad mouth my brother and his mate. It makes me angry knowing you are saying these kind of things to him.” Savanna finally spits out as she takes a step closer to Rachel, their eyes are locked on each other and nothing in the room could break their intense gaze.

“Really, and who is your brother? I didn't even know that you were here, freak.” Rachel laughs at her own insult before smirking at Savanna, she thinks she is going to win this, how sweet.

“Of course you do, right Sven? You know Rachel.” Everyone in the room, who has taken Kyoto every that a fight is brewing, turn to look at me. I blush from the attention and look down to the ground. “This is my brother, Sven, and he is Alpha Lawson's mate. I don't think the Alpha would also like to hear that you are talking crap about his beloved mate.” Savanna adds as she walks over to me and hugs me into her side. I didn't realize that I was going to openly be introduced into this fight, it might have just made it worse.

“What's going on here?” Okay, maybe now, it has been made worse. I turn and try my hardest to smile at Lawson, but I know, he doesn't believe me. This is exactly what I didn't want.

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