Chapter Twenty-Two

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“Why would you say that, I'm not your mother, there isn't any way i could be your mother. We are basically only a few years apart from each other.” I say reasonably. Miles seems to be staring at me in confusion before he shakes his head.

“No, you are my Mommy, Mommys always give their pups names, and you gave me my name, so that means that you are my Mommy.” Miles said firmly. I could only stare at him, somehow in my attempt to save the poor kids from Lawson’s anger i made myself the mother to this kid. I guess that i could make some fun out of this.

“Well, I guess that makes Lawson your Daddy then, because we love together, so you are going to be staying with the both of us.” Miles seems to be ecstatic about the news, but i know that Lawson may have a heart, but he is going to be angry when the boy behind calling him Daddy.

“Would it be okay now for me to call everyone back over here? I know they must be freaking out right now.” Miles purses his lips before nodding. I turn to call out to Lawson but Miles grabs my arm, making me turn around to look back at him.

“But only if they are going to be nice. They were meanies when they first came out here, they scared me.” I smile at Miles before nodding.

“Lawson, you guys can come back, but only if you are going to be nice, and not meanies.” I call out to Lawson with a smile on my face. I hear a short so i know Lawson heard me.

Shortly Lawson and all of the warriors are walking back into the clearing. Miles whimpers a little before he scooches a little closer to my side. Lawson doesn't miss anything, and his eyes narrow on the boy at my side.

“What were you able to find out?” Lawson asks as he crouched next to me. His hand sits at the small of my back, making my insides jump around dancing.

“Not much, he doesn't have a name, he was called, mean names from his pack, so i gave him a name, Miles. He is thirteen, and that's pretty much it. I just wanted to calm him down before you guys started asking all of your questions you have.” I say as I run my hand through Miles’ soft hair. Miles leans into my touch before turning to Lawson.

“Are you Lawson?” He asks seriously as he sits forward, anxious to hear his answer. I know it's going to be sooner rather then later that Lawson realizes what I have done.

“Yes, is there something I can do for you, Miles?” Lawson asks formally as he stares narrowed eyed at the boy.

“No, I just wanted to make sure you were my Daddy. I didn't want to call you Daddy if you weren't my Daddy.” Miles says simply as he leans forward and lays his head on Lawson’s chest. Lawson’s eyes sudden comically and his arms hover over Miles’ shoulders unsure of what he should be doing with them.

“Uh, who told you that I'm your Daddy?” Lawson said quietly as he lets his hands rest lightly on Miles’ head. Miles snuggles further into Lawson’s chest before looking up at him.

“Mommy told me.” He said as he pointed over to where i am sitting. I can see some of the warriors standing around us and their expressions would have made me die with laughter, but the withering look that Lawson is giving me, makes me feel other emotions than amusement.

“Surprise, I had a baby?” I joke, hoping to lighten the mood. The dark look on Lawson's face suggest otherwise.

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