In The Blink Of An Eye

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"She's really bossy. She's a neat freak and she eats way too much pizza." Grace shook her head as Jacob tried hiding the smile that threatened to fall. "I wouldn't want it any other way." She continued looking up to him before continuing. "You're not going to mess her around, are you?" "I promise." Jacob was quick to respond as he looked to the younger Beauchamp.

"Shake on it." Holding her hand out, she waited for Jacob to place the box of things down onto the roof of Connie's car. "I think we can do better than that..." Opening his arms he looked to her before she happily moved forwards wrapping her arms around him with a smile. Jacob looked down to her holding her gently, happy that they seemed to have finally straightened things out.

Connie wandered out of the ED before almost stopping as she saw the sight before her. Continuing slowly, the pair heard her heels hit the pavement looking up to her. She was unable to hide the smile on her lips having seen them embrace each other as she folded her arms against her chest. "Everything alright here?" "Yeah, everything's good." "Yeah?" Jacob smiled across at Grace as she seemed an entirely different girl to the one from hours ago.

Wringing her hands together, Connie watched on knowing that normally things crashed around her when they seemed to be looking so good. "Right, well er- Grace and I are gonna go home." Nodding towards her daughter, Jacob quickly smiled delving into his pocket for her keys. "Why don't you let me take her? Well you don't wanna miss Charlie's party." Connie reached forwards for her keys having experienced what Jacob in her car meant the next time she were to get into it.

"Like I'd let you drive my car again." Snatching them back Grace laughed seeing the smile come to her mothers face, something that she hadn't seen for a while. "So what I like my music loud, what's the problem with that?" He smiled as Connie moved around the side of the car while Grace stepped forwards. "We could come back later." "You sure?" "Yeah... As long as I can get changed first, and I'm hungry."

Connie scoffed looking across the top of her car to her daughter while Jacob stood behind entertained at the pair. "Oh- I think that's decided then..." "Okay, at least we know who's boss... Boss." Jacob nodded towards Grace as she stood with the car door open smiling back. Connie couldn't help but watch them, something within her warming as they spoke to one another.

"See you later alligator-" "In a while crocodile." Jacob watched with a wide smile as Grace got herself into the car, shutting the door behind her. Connie started the engine as Jacob grabbed the box from the roof, watching as Grace waved happily through the window at him. Juggling the box to one side, he waved in return seeing Connie smile brightly up at him.

"Stop her! You have to stop her-" "You need to calm down alright." Jacob wandered after the other woman as she became angry. "I've spoken to my lawyer, you can't just take my daughter away from me."  "Look they just want to work out what's best for Carmel." Steph turned her glare onto Jacob as he continued to walk alongside her.

"How does she know what's best?" "Mrs Beauchamp's no longer on the case." "Yeah but she's poisoned everyone against me." Shrugging she stopped looking to Jacob as the cool air whirled around them. "She doesn't know what it means to be a mother." She spoke bitterly before continuing on her walk toward her car, Jacob refusing to stop following her.

Steph got to her car climbing in leaving Jacob stood holding the box on the footpath. He watched as she drove away from the hospital before backing up wandering back towards the pub where they were holding Charlie's party.

As he wandered inside, he smiled looking about at everything that they had arranged. Everything was in order, and people were beginning to take their places around the bar. Jacob left, returning to the department in order to change out of his uniform and meet a few of the others. "Ah Jacob-" "Charlie..."

The older nurse walked across to him with a smile before stopping beside him. "How was Connie?" "Good, she's good." Charlie smiled placing a hand to his shoulder before beginning to walk away. Jacob took a breath before wandering after him. "Listen, Charlie umm-" "What's on your mind?"

He stood facing him, clear that something was bothering him as he stood somewhat nervously before him. "I was thinking, maybe uh- I was gonna propose." "You not think that maybe you're moving a bit too fast?" "Yeah probably, but... Well I don't know if you heard but I'm a pretty big deal around here now. And plus the fact that Grace is finally cool with everything." Charlie nodded looking towards the happiness that was apparent in his face.

"You get a chance at happiness, you grab it with both hands. Good luck." "Wait, wait, wait she hasn't said yes yet." Charlie nodded as he started to back away. "Touche." Jacob smirked as they crossed each other wandering back into the department.

As time went on, Jacob began to wander where Connie and Grace had gotten to. Slipping his phone out of his pocket he rang her mobile but received nothing. Instead, he tried the house to see if they were still getting ready. When the phone continuously rang, Jacob wandered out of the pub and stood outside listening to her voice over the answering machine.

Leaving a message, he sighed pushing his phone back into his pocket. Returning inside, he didn't think that all of his worst nightmares were happening right in that very moment.

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