The Greatest

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The pair had fallen asleep quickly in the quiet, empty house that night. Connie lay on her side, Jacob's arm tucked over her waist. She began to stir, a small frown on her face as she heard an odd buzzing sound. As she began to wake she reached a hand out to the bedside table realising it was her phone.

Picking it up without much thought or care, she answered it sleepily. "Hello?" "Mum-" Connie suddenly became more alert as she looked to the alarm clock displaying the time. It was early hours of the morning, Grace should be fast asleep. "Baby is everything alright?" "I want to come home..."

Jacob stirred beside her noticing the movement from the bed next to him. Connie pushed down the covers as she sat forwards ready to move. "Con what's going on-" "I'm coming now sweetheart, I won't be long." Ending the call she threw the phone down to the bedside table as she stood up too quickly, losing her balance. Jacob had already jumped up and was there to steady her but it didn't hasten her from what she was doing.

"Connie-" "Grace wants picking up, something's happened Jacob a 13 year old doesn't just ring at almost 3am for no reason." Jacob stood before her placing his hands to her forearms. "Alright, but you're extremely tired and I don't like the thought of you driving like this... Sit tight and I'll collect her."

She made to argue before stopping herself running a hand back through her hair with a sigh and nod of her head. "Okay..." Jacob gave a sigh of relief before pressing a kiss to her forehead moving to put some clothes on. Connie sat on the edge of the bed, biting at her nails as she wondered what could have upset Grace enough to be like this.

Jacob looked up walking towards Connie, crouching before her with his hands on her knees. "Hey, go to bed. I won't be long okay?" Leaning up he placed a kiss to her forehead before taking her keys from the side and leaving the room. Shuffling herself back in the bed, she rest back trying not to worry herself too much. Placing a hand to one side of her bump, she released a long breath feeling her eyes become heavy.

The drive to Sam's wasn't long, and as Jacob pulled up outside he frowned seeing the sign that stood at the end of the driveway. He'd only just got out of the car when he saw the front door opened and Grace came hurtling out of it. "Firecra-" "Can we just go straight away please?" He stopped nodding as he noticed Sam from one of the upstairs windows. Dropping the curtain back, he disappeared from view as Grace climbed into the car.

Starting the engine, the car was deathly silent for a few moments until Jacob glanced over at Grace noticing her wipe the tears from her cheeks as quickly as they fell. Turning off along another street, he pulled up at one side hearing Grace sniffle. Twisting to her he lifted his arm up. "Come here..." She fell into his hold as he held her as best he could across the car. "I'm sorry he made you feel like this firecracker."

As her tears began to stop, she sat backwards wiping her hands over her face. "He didn't even try and stop me leaving." "Maybe he knew it was best to let you come back to your Mum. You can be pretty stubborn, just like someone else I know." She cracked a small smile before it disappeared again as Jacob pulled away from the side of the road continuing on their journey home.

"Want to talk about it?" She shook her head looking down to her lap as Jacob nodded slowly. "You know your Mum will want to know, if it's any easier I could always tell her if you talk to me?" Grace swallowed past the lump on her throat thinking for a while as the street lights went by.

"Dad's leaving. America." "Grace I'm sorr-" "I'm not sad he's going. He told me he wanted me to go with him, because Mum couldn't look after me like he could. He said she was a bad Mum, that she cared more about you and work than she does me." Jacob tilted his head to one side quickly, continuing to drive quietly. Sam never did cease to amaze him, the things he would say to Grace about Connie. It was just spiteful, there was nothing else to it.

"You know that's not true don't you? She loves you more than life itself, we both do. You're a bright young girl Grace, you make everyone so proud of you." She looked up out of the window sighing. "Not everyone." Jacob frowned turning to her quickly. "What else did he say firecracker?" She shrugged as Jacob came to a stop outside their home.

Turning off the ignition he noticed the house was still consumed by darkness, hoping it meant Connie had fallen back asleep. When Grace didn't talk, he got out of the car moving around to her side, opening the door and bending down. "I heard Dad talking on the phone, about Mum. So I told him not to speak about her, he just said I was too much like her. Never knew when to stop or leave things alone... He got angry and started shouting-" Jacob watched as the tears returned to her eyes, her sleeves being pulled down over her hands. It was something he recognised from Connie, she did it whenever she was trying to put the walls up and protect herself.

"Grace, he didn't hit you did he because if he touched you-" "He didn't do anything. But I told him I never wanted to see him again, that I wish he wasn't my Dad. I told him to go to America and never talk to me again... Said that you were my Dad now." She dropped her head looking to her lap unsure of how he would react to what she had said.

He moved a gentle hand to her shoulder squeezing it gently. Looking up she saw the familiar friendly expression on his face. "You're not angry?" "Grace, I promised I would always look after you and protect you. Just because I'm not biologically your father doesn't mean you're not my daughter." The few stray tears fell down her cheek as she lunged forwards wrapping her arms around his neck.

Jacob carefully lifted her out of the car, carrying her bag over his shoulder while holding onto her. Walking carefully along the gravelled driveway, he made it to the front door letting themselves in. Placing her down on the kitchen side, he turned the kettle on making a hot chocolate before picking his phone up. "What are you doing?" "I think me and your Mum are long overdue a sick day." "You don't have to-" He raised his brow looking to her as he stepped to one side lifting the phone to his ear. "Drink your cocoa-" "It's hot chocolate." He threw her a playful glare causing her to giggle as he stepped out the room.

Grace sighed as she sat on the side, removing her shoes before yawning as she rubbed her eyes. "I think someone's tired... Come on, let's get in beside your Mum." He helped her down off the side, her hand pushing into his as they wandered upstairs together. Jacob entered the room quietly seeing Connie asleep but restless.

He nodded towards his side, letting Grace climb in first. She shuffled straight up to her mother as Jacob got in beside her pulling the covers over them. Connie turned onto her back beginning to wake as Grace lifted her head laying it to her mother's chest. Looking down to her she wrapped an arm around her shoulders to see Jacob shaking his head, stopping her asking any questions tonight. She offered a small smile before placing a kiss to the top of her daughter's head, Jacob taking Connie's hand as she laced her fingers through his. Everything else could wait until the morning, right now they all could all do with a good few hours sleep.

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