Run And Hide

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As the kettle boiled, Connie turned to look to where Jacob was now sitting down on the sofa. He hadn't been here with her since the night he had found her unconscious, and before that, it had been before the crash. Being with Jacob felt good, it felt right again.

Pouring them both a drink, she wandered through to the living room placing the mugs down on the table before them. "Thanks... So what did you and Sam talk about while we were gone, you both seemed pretty quiet." Connie rolled her eyes falling back to the sofa making Jacob laugh. Turning her head sideways she punched his chest playfully with a smile.

"He was just trying to wind me up." "And?" She shrugged looking to him as he waited for her to elaborate. "I put him in his place." "That's my girl." Jacob moved his arm around her shoulders pulling her into his side with a laugh. Kissing the top of her head he had a strange sense of deja vu as he sat here with Connie. It was like they were back to the days before the accident, but he knew it wasn't quite that simple.

Connie lifted her head to look up at him. "He also said how good you are with her." "He said that?" She nodded sitting back up as he kept his arm resting along the back of the sofa. "Huh... I guess that man does have a little bit of sense." "Don't be too sure." She placed a hand to his thigh as she smirked before leaning forwards to pick up her mug but it had been enough. The smallest of touches confirmed to each of them how much they wanted the other.

Lifting her legs onto the sofa, Connie sipped at her coffee while Jacob glanced over at her. "How'd he end up being so nice?" "After I made a dig at him about how awful he was in bed." Jacob scoffed, chocking on his drink as Connie laughed at him. He pushed her legs causing her to almost spill her own. "Hey!"

Both their mugs placed down, she grinned at him as he twisted to face her a little more. "But really, what did you see in him?" She shrugged resting her head to the cushion as she thought. "There'd always been, something, between us. I don't know what you'd call it but we'd fought through it for months before I finally snapped and then gave into him." Jacob nodded moving a hand to push a strand of her hair back behind her ear. "And me?"

She lifted her eyes to his face seeing the amusement written across it. "You? You just never gave up and I guess I was curious." "Curious?" He arched a brow as she nodded sitting up again. "To see if you were as good as you thought you were-" "And you decided?" She laughed looking around the room before looking to him again. "I guess you were alright."

Connie went to stand before Jacob reach an arm around her waist. "Not so fast Beauchamp." Pulling her back down to the sofa, her back hit the cushions as his hands moved to her waist tickling her. "Jacob!" Her laughter radiated around the room as he leaned above her with a smile before slowing his movements to really look down at her. Her cheeks were flushed and her face was full of laughter.

He knew how much he wanted her, and in that moment the urge to do so was even stronger but he couldn't. There was still something she was holding back and he was aware of it even if she wasn't. Taking advantage of her when there was something still not right would be something he could never forgive himself for.

"You going to move Masters or just keep me like this all night?" He smirked sitting backwards as she shuffled out from beneath him to sit opposite him once more. Connie had seen the look in his eyes as he sat above her, it was unmistakable but yet he still did nothing. Moving her legs, she rest them across his while his hands moved down to her thighs where he rest them.

Connie inhaled quickly as her eyes continued to rest on him. "Jacob?" He hummed lifting his eyes to her as she swallowed past the lump in her throat. "Do you really think we're ever going to work again?" He searched her face seeing some of the insecurities she worked so hard on hiding. "Con, if I didn't think this could be what we both want it to be then I wouldn't have fought so hard for you to give us a chance."

He caressed her cheek before she closed the space between them kissing him gently. Jacob responded to her carefully before feeling her deepen it. He couldn't resist her in that moment as she moved to straddle his waist, her hands pressed to his shoulders as his wandered over her waist pushing beneath her blouse. Connie parted from him quickly to lift his shirt over his head before their lips collided together again.

Jacob was so caught up that the thoughts from earlier drifted from his mind for a few moments before they came back hitting him full force. His hands dropped from her hair, over her back until he found the reserve to pull away from her. The look on Connie's face told him exactly what she was thinking as he moved to push the hair back from her face. "Connie-" "You don't want this, do you?"

Jacob shook his head instantly as he rubbed his thumbs across her cheeks. "I want you and I want Grace, I want a family life with you and I want to support you. I want you to feel safe with me, trust me enough to tell me everything on your mind. I don't want any secrets or lies between us. I don't ever want anyone but you, Connie... But I don't want you to do this when you're not ready. Not because I want to, but because you want to too. I'll wait as long as that takes Connie."

She looked to him seeing just how he meant every word. "Jacob-" "You don't need to say anything. I promise that I'm going to be right here waiting for you. No matter how long that's for, I'm not going anywhere you're not." She swallowed past the lump in her throat unable to push the rejection from her mind as she moved from where she sat with him to take her mug out to the kitchen.

Jacob stood up pulling his shirt on once more watching her. "I can do that-" "It's fine. It's getting late, you should probably go." He knew he had hurt her by stopping what could have easily happened, but he didn't want to be pushing her. "I'll see you in work tomorrow?" Jacob leant forwards to kiss her as she turned away quickly. He placed a kiss to the top of her head before picking up his keys and walking away.

Connie released a breath she didn't notice she'd been holding as she heard the front door close. Slowly lowering to the floor she leant back against the cabinet as she let her head drop to her hands. The tears rolled down her cheeks gently before she lifted her head to look around the empty house. She knew he was thinking of her, but sometimes she wished he would stop and just let them be them, how they used to be - even if she was the one who said they could never be the same again, it didn't stop her from wanting a few minutes where they could pretend.

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