Heartache And Regrets

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The monitor's constant beeping was the only noise through the otherwise quiet room. She lay perfectly still, a picture of serenity like the world hadn't picked her up and thrown her to the ground. Eight months of pain and it had all culminated in that one night. Everything she had done to fight the truth pointless now as she lay unconscious in the hospital room.

He had barely moved his eyes from her long enough to see the time. His breathing slow as his mind raced over the things she had said in her hazy state. His elbow rest against the arm of the chair as he ran his thumb back and forth across his lip. Seeing her in such a way was something he wished he had never seen, but he never would have forgiven himself if he hadn't have gotten to her when he did.

Sighing he leant back in the chair again, watching her as he hoped she was blissfully unaware of everything that had happened. Jacob finally lifted his head when a doctor returned to check on her, noting a few things down before placing the chart back at the end of the bed. "Are you a relative of Mrs Beauchamp?" "Uh- I er, I was her partner..." Jacob found it hard to say what they were now, tonight had clouded his mind entirely. The other man simply nodded looking towards the bed then back to him.

"She's going to be okay isn't she?" "She's not done any permanent damage, but she will be in some pain when she awakes." Jacob nodded, thanking him briefly before he left the room. As he looked to where he left through the door, he noticed a few concerned faces outside. Taking a deep breath he wandered out to fill them in on what had happened.

"Jacob what's going?" Charlie rushed towards him as Duffy stopped beside him, a comforting hand to his arm. "She got drunk, Charlie. She drank enough to put herself in a coma if I hadn't have got to her when I did." His anger and frustrations were beginning to come out as he thought of how stupid and reckless she had been.

The pair were surprised by his tone before he looked back to the window. "She could have killed herself tonight." A warm hand moved to his shoulder causing him to look to Duffy as she smiled sadly to him. "Then she's lucky to have you-" She was cut off by him scoffing as he looked around for the doctor who had been treating her. "I need to see her files, something she said earlier-" "Jacob. You know you can't do that..."

He had began to walk away before stopping hearing the tone in Charlie's voice. Duffy looked to him fearing that she had taken what he said in the wrong way, but all she saw was her assumptions reflected back at her. "Charlie, I need to know if what she said was true." Looking to him he bit his lip before dragging his feet slowly to the row of seats along the side of the corridor. Slumping down he felt the air leave his lungs as he rubbed his hands over his face.

Charlie and Duffy exchanged a look as he leant against the wall opposite Jacob. "She was pregnant wasn't she..." He saw the solemn nod from the older man before leaning forwards dropping his head further. Clenching his jaw he hated how stupid he had been to leave her on her own these past eight months. "She was pregnant and she didn't even tell me-" "She didn't know until she'd been told that she had lost it in the accident."

Turning to the side he saw Duffy now sat beside him. "She was- I- We would have had a baby?" His words were quiet as he forced them to leave his mouth. Fighting off the emotions he couldn't hold out as Duffy comforted him. Feeling the tears roll over his cheeks, he sat back looking up at the ceiling. "She's been dealing with this on her own this whole time? What sort of a person does that make me?" "She was scared of telling you-" "Scared?"

Standing up, he moved back towards the window looking through at her. "She thought if I knew that I'd leave her, so she did the only thing she knows how to... She pushed me away instead." "She thought the pain of losing you would be easier than the pain of telling you she'd lost a child." Jacob released a heavy breath hating that it had taken her to get like this in order for her to tell him.

"Why don't you go and get some air? I can stay with her-" "No, no I want to be there when she wakes up." Charlie nodded as Jacob forced a faint smile before wandering back into the room. Sitting beside her once more, he sat on the edge of the chair reaching forwards for her hand. Feeling the warmth of it reminded him that she was still there, she was okay. Bringing it to his lips he kissed the back of her hand keeping hold of it.

Lifting his eyes to hers he sighed, all the anger he felt disappearing. None of it mattered, all he cared about was her. "You were crazy to think I'd walk away from you... I fought to prove to you what you meant to me, pushed and pushed but you still thought I'd leave you." Rubbing his thumb over the back of her hand he swallowed past the lump in his throat.

He felt her hand move gently in his before a gentle groan left her lips. "Try not to move too much..." She heard his voice and instantly felt herself relax. Gradually opening her eyes she found the light was too much. Jacob let go of her hand, standing to switch off the lamp overhead. "Thanks..." Her voice was croaky drawing a smile to his lips as he sat back down, his hand finding hers again but it was Connie who took hold of his.

Stopping himself from sitting in the chair, he moved to sit on the edge of the bed beside her. She inhaled deeply, frowning as she tried moving in the bed slightly. "Careful... Doc says you drank enough to last a lifetime-" "Don't worry, I don't plan on ever drinking again." Sitting up she looked to him as he laughed gently. "I'm sorry-" Looking to her he wasn't sure what to say.

"What for?" "You know what..." Jacob swallowed past the lump in his throat as he moved a hand to her cheek. "You have nothing to be sorry for sweet cheeks." Lifting a hand to rest on his, she felt the tears behind her ears. "I'm staying right here until you're well enough to yell at me from the other end of the corridor." She tried not to laugh but found she couldn't help it. "Thank you." Shaking his head, he cautiously leant closer kissing her forehead. "Sleep Beauchamp. I'll be here when you wake up." "Promise?" "I promise."

Knowing better than to ever question something he promised, she rest back keeping her fingers laced with his while he moved to sit in the chair. Although he was acting as though he didn't know, she knew she had let it slip that night. She was sure it wouldn't be long until things blew up over it, but she was thankful for him not making her talk about it now.

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